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Writing a DirectDraw Display Driver without DDGPE

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Most display driver writers should and will choose to reuse the code base provided by the DDGPE classes. They will simply add the small amount of code required to make their display driver function correctly. However, it is feasible to write display drivers from scratch that conform to the Windows CE DDI interface definition, and that also support the DirectDraw HAL interface.

This chapter describes what a driver writer must do to create a display driver that supports DirectDraw without using any GPE-based classes.

The first section, Preparing your Display Driver, describes the steps necessary to create a display driver from scratch that is ready to support the addition of a DirectDraw HAL implementation. Next, DirectDraw HAL Implementationbriefly outlines possible steps you could take to implement a simple DirectDraw HAL in your display driver, using the sample source code provided with this document.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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