Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Sample USB Host Controller Driver

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This section describes the specific aspects of universal serial bus (USB) support in Windows CE 2.10 and later that are relevant to OEMs who want to add USB support to their Windows CE–based platforms. For a complete overview of USB support in Windows CE, including information directed to IHVs, see Universal Serial Bus Drivers.

The primary goal of Windows CE USB support, aside from enabling IHVs to write device drivers for USB devices, is to help OEMs expand existing USB support on their platforms. Currently, USB support focuses on the host side of the USB specification, which enables Windows CE to support USB peripherals. Some support is provided for the device side of the USB specification through the USB function controller driver, supplied with Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0; the USB function controller driver, however, exists primarily to support USB connectivity to desktop PCs.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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