Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Sample Source Code

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This section describes each of the files that make up the sample DirectDraw HAL implementation.


This file contains callback and other global variable declarations, and contains source code to a sample implementation of the buildDDHALInfofunction. It should be placed in your driver's directory, and it can be customized at the driver writer's discretion.


This file contains a sample implementation of HalGetDriverInfo, and contains several stub functions to DirectDraw HAL callback functions. The driver writer should place this file in the driver's directory. If any of the stub functions are modified to implement real DDHAL functionality, the callback structures in HALCaps.cpp should be modified accordingly.


This file contains stubs for various DirectDraw HAL palette management callbacks. The driver writer should place this file in the driver's directory. If any of the stub functions are modified to implement real DDHAL functionality, the callback structures in HALCaps.cpp should be modified accordingly.


This file contains stubs for various DirectDraw HAL surface management and drawing callbacks. The driver writer should place this file in the driver's directory. If any of the stub functions are modified to implement real DDHAL functionality, the callback structures in HALCaps.cpp should be modified accordingly.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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