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The IDsDriverBuffer::SetFormatmethod sets the format of the primary sound buffer to the format described in the WAVEFORMATEXstructure.

HRESULT SetFormat(


Pointer to a WAVEFORMATEXstructure that describes the new format desired for the primary sound buffer.

Return Values

Returns DS_OK if successful, or one of the following error values otherwise:



    This method is only valid for primary sound buffers; DirectSound never calls this method for secondary buffers. DirectSound guarantees that this method is never called when the buffer is playing.

    This call has two meanings. If the driver did not specify the DSDDESC_DOMMSYSTEMSETFORMAT flag, this call requests the driver to change the buffer's format to the specified format. However, if the driver specified the DSDDESC_DOMMSYSTEMSETFORMAT flag, this call notifies the driver that the format was just set through the Wave APIs. The driver may perform extra processing if necessary; in this case it should return DS_OK. If it does no processing, it should return DSERR_UNSUPPORTED.

     Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

    © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.