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This section describes the EDDGPEPixelFormatdata type and its values.

enum EDDGPEPixelFormat { ddgpePixelFormat_1bpp =
0, ddgpePixelFormat_2bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_4bpp,
ddgpePixelFormat_8bpp, ddgpePixelFormat_565, ddgpePixelFormat_5551,
ddgpePixelFormat_4444, ddgpePixelFormat_5550,
ddgpePixelFormat_8880, ddgpePixelFormat_8888,
ddgpePixelFormat_YUYV422, ddgpePixelFormat_UYVY422, // some generic
types // Use dwPixelFormatData in conjunction with this info
ddgpePixelFormat_15bppGeneric, ddgpePixelFormat_16bppGeneric,
ddgpePixelFormat_24bppGeneric, ddgpePixelFormat_32bppGeneric,
ddgpePixelFormat_UnknownFormat, // you can assign custom formats
starting with this value ddgpePixelFormat_CustomFormat = 0x1000

The EDDGPEPixelFormatdata type is used to identify a specific memory layout associated with a surface.

If a surface type required by your driver is missing from the list of supported types, you should try to use one of the generic types to indicate the bit depth of your surface. A custom pixel format data field is offered in data structures that rely on the EDDGPEPixelFormatdata type. This field should be used to store any additional information your driver requires.

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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