Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

DDGPE Class Definition

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The DDGPEclass extends the GPEclass, and serves as the base from which a concrete display driver can be created. A DDGPEobject represents a single display device.

// Surface memory allocation virtual SCODE
AllocSurface ( DDGPESurf **ppSurf, int width, int height,
EGPEFormat format, EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, int surfaceFlags
); virtual SCODE AllocSurface ( DDGPESurf **ppSurf,
DDGPEAllocSurfaceData*pddgpeAllocSurfaceData ); virtual SCODE
AllocVideoSurface ( DDGPESurf **ppSurf, int width, int height,
EGPEFormat format, EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned long
*pOffsetInVideoMemory ); virtual SCODE AllocVideoSurface (
LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpDDSurface, int width, int height,
EGPEFormat format, EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned long
*pOffsetInVideoMemory ); virtual SCODE AllocVideoSurface (
DDGPESurf **ppSurf, DDGPEAllocSurfaceData*pddgpeAllocSurfaceData,
unsigned long *pOffsetInVideoMemory ); virtual SCODE
AllocVideoSurface ( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpDDSurface,
DDGPEAllocSurfaceData*pddgpeAllocSurfaceData, unsigned long
*pOffsetInVideoMemory ); // Surface creation virtual SCODE
WrapSurface ( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpDDSurface, int width, int
height, EGPEFormat format, EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, int
stride, int surfaceFlags ); virtual SCODE WrapSurface ( DDGPESurf
**ppSurf, int width, int height, EGPEFormat format,
EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, unsigned char *pBits, int stride );
virtual SCODE WrapSurface ( LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL lpDDSurface,
int width, int height, EGPEFormat format, EDDGPEPixelFormat
pixelFormat, unsigned char *pBits, int stride ); virtual SCODE
WrapSurface ( DDGPESurf **ppSurf,
DDGPEAllocSurfaceData*pddgpeAllocSurfaceData ); virtual SCODE
DDGPEAllocSurfaceData*pddgpeAllocSurfaceData ); // Blit operations
virtual SCODE BltPrepare ( DDGPEBltParms *pddgpeBltParms ); virtual
SCODE PerformBlt ( DDGPEBltParms *pddgpeBltParms ); virtual SCODE
BltExpanded ( DDGPESurf *pDst, DDGPESurf *pSrc, DDGPESurf
*pPattern, DDGPESurf *pMask, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, CONST
RECT *prclDst, CONST RECT *prclSrc, ULONG solidColor, ULONG
bltFlags, ULONG rop4 ); virtual SCODE BltExpanded ( DDGPESurf
*pDst, DDGPESurf *pSrc, DDGPESurf *pPattern, CONST RECT *prclDst,
CONST RECT *prclSrc, ULONG solidColor, ULONG bltFlags, ULONG rop4
); // Surface flipping virtual void SetVisibleSurface ( GPESurf
*pSurf, BOOL bWaitForVBlank = FALSE ); virtual void
SetVisibleSurface ( GPESurf *pSurf, DWORD dwData, BOOL
bWaitForVBlank = FALSE ); // Display modes virtual SCODE DetectMode
( DWORD*dwModeID, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, EGPEFormat format,
EDDGPEPixelFormat pixelFormat, DDPIXELFORMAT*pDDPF = NULL );
virtual DWORD GetPhysicalModeId ( void ); virtual SCODE
GetModeInfoEx ( GPEModeEx *pModeEx, int modeNo ); virtual SCODE
SetMode ( int modeNo, HPALETTE *pPalette, BOOL
bChangeGDISurfaceMode ); // Pixel format virtual SCODE
DetectPixelFormat ( DWORD dwCaps, DDPIXELFORMAT *pDDPF, EGPEFormat
*pFormat, EDDGPEPixelFormat *pPixelFormat ); // whether the
scanline is in display virtual int InDisplay ( void ); // Custom
driver data virtual DDGPEDriverData* GetDriverData ( void );
virtual void SetDriverData ( DDGPEDriverData*pDriverData ); //
Custom driver identifier virtual GUID GetDriverGUID ( void );
virtual void SetDriverGUID ( GUID guidDriverGUID ); // member
variables protected: GPEModeEx *m_pModeEx; DWORD m_dwPhysicalModeID
public: DDGPEDriverData *m_pDriverData; GUID

 Last updated on Tuesday, July 13, 2004

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