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This structure describes an instance of a conversion stream.
Pointer to a
WAVEFORMATEXstructure that defines the source format for a
conversion stream.
Pointer to a
WAVEFORMATEXstructure that defines the destination format
for a conversion stream.
Pointer to an optional
WAVEFILTERstructure that defines a filter to be used on a
conversion stream. This member is NULL if the application has not
specified a filter.
Specifies the application-specified
dwCallbackparameter of the
Specifies the application-specified
dwInstanceparameter of
Specifies the application-specified
dwOpenparameter of
acmStreamOpen, which consists of a set of flags.
Specifies driver-defined stream instance information. Although
it is intended for storing flag values, an ACM driver can use this
member to store any instance-specific
DWORDvalue. Because the same
ACMDRVSTREAMINSTANCEstructure is passed with all stream
messages associated with a particular stream instance, the stored
value can be read or modified each time a stream message is
received, and the last saved value is available the next time a
stream message is received.
Specifies driver-defined stream instance information. An ACM
driver can use this member for storing any instance-specific
DWORDvalue, such as a pointer to a local, dynamically
allocated structure. Because the same
ACMDRVSTREAMINSTANCEstructure is passed with all stream
messages associated with a particular stream instance, the stored
value can be read or modified each time a stream message is
received, and the last saved value is available the next time a
stream message is received.
Specifies the ACM-defined client handle to the open conversion
The ACM allocates this structure each time an application calls
acmStreamOpen. This structure is then passed to the driver
along with all stream messages associated with a particular stream
instance. Information in this structure does not change, so if a
driver validates information within this structure when it receives
an ACMDM_STREAM_OPEN message, it does not have to validate the
information again when it receives subsequent messages for the same
stream instance.
Runs on
Defined in
Link to
Windows CE OS
1.0 and later
Note This API is part of the
complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The
functionality of a particular platform is determined by the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not
support this API.