Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Technical Articles  

Programmer's Guide to Internet Explorer for Microsoft Windows CE 3.0

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Microsoft Corporation

June 2000

Summary: This white paper discusses the differences between the Windows CE-based and the Win32-based versions of Internet Explorer, and the technologies that are supported by Internet Explorer for Windows CE. (14 printed pages)


Windows CE-based and Win32-based Versions of Internet Explorer
Technologies Supported by Internet Explorer for Windows CE
Windows CE-based Internet Functions
Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols
URL Monikers
Web Browser Control
For More Information

Windows CE-based and Win32-based Versions of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer for Microsoft Windows CE supports the same features that Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 for Windows-based desktop platforms supports, except for the following features:

  • Data binding
  • Microsoft Visual Basic, Scripting Edition (VBScript)
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • Downloadable Microsoft ActiveX controls
  • Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
  • Microsoft virtual machine
  • Gopher
  • Recreation Software Advisory Council on the Internet (RSACi) rating system
  • Filters and transitions

    Microsoft JScript, which is compatible with the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) 262 Language Specification, supports the same features that the version of JScript for Windows-based desktop platforms supports, except for the following features:

    • RegExpsupport
    • SAFEARRAY support, which is used for coexistence with VBScript and other languages
    • Scrrun.dll support; including dictionary object, file object, and so on
    • Automatic loading of type libraries; in other words, the IActiveScript::AddTypeLibmethod is not supported
    • Cross-window object references; for example,

      Internet Explorer for Windows CE is not intended to be an upgrade of the Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer browser, so Internet Explorer for Windows CE does not attempt to provide backwards compatibility with Pocket Internet Explorer or its custom interfaces.

      Technologies Supported by Internet Explorer for Windows CE

      Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports the following technologies:

      • Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
      • Windows CE-based Internet functions
      • Asynchronous pluggable protocols
      • URL monikers
      • MSHTML
      • Web Browser control
      • MLang

        Internet Explorer for Windows CE also supports:

        • ActiveX controls that are installed on the Windows CE device, but Internet Explorer for Windows CE does not support downloading these controls
        • Cascading style sheet (CSS) support, compliant with CSS1 core functionality
        • Full event model for all tags and objects
        • Integration of JScript and objects
        • International language support, including Unicode characters
        • Images in GIF, JPEG, BMP, and XBM formats
        • Multimedia, using Microsoft DirectShow

          The scripting documentation contained in the MSDN Library (online or CD) includes information on the application programming interfaces (APIs) that Windows CE supports. In this online documentation, you can determine if Windows CE supports an API by moving the mouse pointer over an object name in the Applies Tolists on the pages for properties, methods, events, and collections. See the onclickevent in the DHTML Events reference for an example. Later sections of this document also contain information about APIs that Windows CE supports.

          Currently, the C, C++, and COM reference pages in the MSDN Library for APIs that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports include a Windows CE section. This section indicates the version of Windows CE that supports the API and the minimum version of Internet Explorer that is required. See the InternetOpenfunction reference in the Win32 Internet functions reference for an example of a Windows CE section. The C, C++, and COM references that do not have a Windows CE section are not supported currently in Windows CE.


          DHTML allows you to create Web pages and other documents that automatically and instantly adapt to specific users, user requests, and the changing state of data from sources on the Web and other locations. By using the scripting language of your choice, you can access and manipulate all of the elements of a Web page—tags, attributes, images, objects, and text—to create, move, and modify these elements as needed.

          The following table shows the DHTML objects that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

          ACRONYM DD I NOSCRIPT styleSheet
          B DIV INS P TBODY
          BGSOUND DT LABEL PRE TextRange
          BODY event LINK SAMP THEAD
          BUTTON FONT location SCRIPT TR
          CENTER FRAME MARQUEE selection U
          clientInformation HEAD META SPAN VAR
          CODE history navigator STRIKE WBR
          COL Hn NEXTID STRONG window
          COLGROUP HR NOBR style XMP

          The following table shows the DHTML methods that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports. See the MSDN Libraryto determine the objects for which these methods apply. Windows CE does not always apply these methods to all of the objects to which the methods apply on Windows-based desktop platforms.

          add createTFoot insertRow remove
          AddDesktopComponent createTHead isEqual removeAttribute
          addImport deleteCaption IsSubscribed replace
          addRule deleteCell item reset
          alert deleteRow javaEnabled resizeBy
          assign deleteTFoot move resizeTo  
          back deleteTHead moveBy scrollBy
          blur duplicate moveEnd scrollIntoView
          clear elementFromPoint moveStart scrollTo
          clearInterval empty moveTo select
          clearTimeout execScript moveToBookmark setAttribute
          click expand moveToPoint setEndPoint
          close findText navigate setInterval
          collapse focus NavigateAndFind setTimeout
          compareEndPoints forward nextPage showModalDialog
          componentFromPoint getAttribute open start
          confirm getBookmark parentElement stop
          contains go pasteHTML submit
          createCaption ImportExportFavorites previousPage tags
          createElement inRange prompt taintEnabled
          createRange insertAdjacentHTML refresh write
          createStyleSheet insertAdjacentText reload writeIn
          createTextRange insertCell    

          The following table shows the DHTML events that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports. See the MSDN Libraryto determine the objects for which these events apply. Windows CE does not always apply these events to all of the objects to which the events apply on Windows-based desktop platforms.

          onabort onerror onload onresize
          onblur onfinish onmousedown onscroll
          onbounce onfocus onmousemove onselect
          onchange onhelp onmouseout onselectstart
          onclick onkeydown onmouseover onstart
          ondblclick onkeypress onmouseup onsubmit
          ondragstart onkeyup onreset onunload

          The following table shows the DHTML collections that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports. See the MSDN Libraryto determine the objects for which these collections apply. Windows CE does not always apply these collections to all of the objects to which the collections apply on Windows-based desktop platforms.

          all elements options
          anchors embeds plugins
          applets forms rows
          areas frames rules
          bookmarks images scripts
          cells imports styleSheets
          children links tBodies

          The following table shows the DHTML properties that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports. See the MSDN Libraryto determine the objects for which these properties apply. Windows CE does not always apply these properties to all of the objects to which the properties apply on Windows-based desktop platforms.

          !important colorDepth leftMargin readOnly
          accessKey cols length readyState
          action colSpan letterSpacing referrer
          activeElement compact lineHeight rel
          align complete link returnValue
          aLink content linkColor rev
          aLinkColor cookie listStyle right
          alt cookieEnabled listStyleImage rightMargin
          altHTML coords listStylePosition rowIndex
          altKey cpuClass listStyleType rows
          appCodeName ctrlKey loop rowSpan
          appMinorVersion cursor lowsrc rules
          appName data margin scopeName
          appVersion defaultCharset marginBottom scroll
          availHeight defaultChecked marginHeight scrollAmount
          availWidth defaultSelected marginLeft scrollDelay
          background defaultStatus marginRight scrollHeight
          backgroundAttachment defaultValue marginTop scrolling
          backgroundColor defer marginWidth scrollLeft
          backgroundImage dialogArguments maxLength scrollTop
          backgroundPosition dialogHeight media search
          backgroundPositionX dialogLeft menuArguments sectionRowIndex
          backgroundPositionY dialogTop method selected
          backgroundRepeat dialogWidth Methods selectedIndex
          balance direction multiple self
          behavior disabled name shape
          bgColor display noHref shiftKey
          bgProperties domain noResize size
          border encoding noShade sourceIndex
          borderBottom event noWrap span
          borderBottomColor expando object src
          borderBottomStyle face offsetHeight srcElement
          borderBottomWidth fgColor offsetLeft start
          borderColor fileCreatedDate offsetParent status
          borderColorDark fileModifiedDate offsetTop styleFloat
          borderColorLight fileSize offsetWidth systemLanguage
          borderLeft fileUpdatedDate offsetX tabIndex
          borderLeftColor font offsetY tableLayout
          borderLeftStyle fontFamily onLine tagName
          borderLeftWidth fontSize opener tagUrn
          borderRight fontSmoothingEnabled outerHTML target
          borderRightColor fontStyle outerText text
          borderRightStyle fontVariant overflow textAlign
          borderRightWidth fontWeight overflowX textDecoration
          borderStyle form overflowY textDecorationLineThrough
          borderTop frame owningElement textDecorationNone
          borderTopColor frameBorder padding textDecorationOverline
          borderTopStyle frameSpacing paddingBottom textDecorationUnderline
          borderTopWidth hash paddingLeft textIndent
          borderWidth height paddingRight textTransform
          bottom hidden paddingTop tFoot
          bottomMargin host pageBreakAfter tHead
          boundingHeight hostname pageBreakBefore title
          boundingLeft href palette toElement
          boundingTop hspace parent top
          boundingWidth htmlFor parentElement topMargin
          browserLanguage htmlText parentStyleSheet trueSpeed
          bufferDepth httpEquiv parentTextEdit type
          cancelBubble id parentWindow units
          caption indeterminate pathname updateInterval
          cellIndex index pixelBottom URL
          cellPadding innerHTML pixelHeight urn
          cellSpacing innerText pixelLeft useMap
          checked isMap pixelRight userAgent
          classid isTextEdit pixelTop userLanguage
          className keyCode pixelWidth vAlign
          clear lang platform value
          clientHeight language port verticalAlign
          clientLeft lastModified posBottom visibility
          clientTop layoutGrid posHeight vLink
          clientWidth layoutGridChar position vlinkColor
          clip layoutGridCharSpacing posLeft volume
          closed layoutGridLine posRight vspace
          code layoutGridMode posTop width
          codeBase layoutGridType posWidth wrap
          codeType left protocol zIndex

          The following table shows the DHTML input types that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

          button file image radio submit
          checkbox hidden password reset text

          Windows CE-based Internet Functions

          The Windows CE Internet API (WinInet) is an API that is used for Internet client application development. The Wininet.dll module exports WinInetfunctions that are used to develop Internet applications, such as Web browsers and FTP applications.

          WinInet is similar to WinInet for Windows-based desktop platforms, with the following exceptions:

          • Microsoft ActiveX controls are not supported.
          • The Gopher protocol and Gopher functions are not supported.

            WinInetenables multithreaded applications to make concurrent calls to WinInetfunctions from different threads. WinInetfunctions synchronize if necessary, but these functions do not validate parameters.

            The following table shows the WinInetfunctions that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            InternetCanonicalizeUrl InternetQueryDataAvailable
            InternetCloseHandle InternetQueryOption
            InternetCombineUrl InternetReadFile
            InternetConnect InternetReadFileEx
            InternetCrackUrl InternetSetCookie
            InternetCreateUrl InternetSetFilePointer
            InternetErrorDlg InternetSetOption
            InternetFindNextFile InternetSetStatusCallback
            InternetGetCookie InternetTimeFromSystemTime
            InternetGetLastResponseInfo InternetTimeToSystemTime
            InternetLockRequestFile InternetUnlockRequestFile
            InternetOpen InternetWriteFile

            Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols

            Asynchronous pluggable protocols enable developers to create pluggable protocol handlers, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) filters, and name-space handlers that work with Internet Explorer for Windows CE and a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) moniker.

            Applications can use pluggable protocol handlers to handle a custom URL protocol scheme or filter data for a designated MIME type.

            The ability to handle a custom URL protocol scheme by using a pluggable protocol handler allows developers to implement new or custom protocol schemes for Internet Explorer for Windows CE and for applications that use URL monikers. The default pluggable protocol handler that is included with Internet Explorer for Windows CE handles existing protocol schemes, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

            Pluggable MIME filters can be used to filter data for a particular MIME type. Unlike standard pluggable protocol handlers and pluggable name-space handlers, which only provide data, pluggable MIME filters both read and provide data.

            The following table shows the interfaces and methods that are related to asynchronous pluggable protocols that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            IInternetBindInfo IInternetProtocolRoot::Continue
            IInternetBindInfo::GetBindInfo IInternetProtocolRoot::Resume
            IInternetBindInfo::GetBindString IInternetProtocolRoot::Start
            IInternetProtocol IInternetProtocolRoot::Terminate
            IInternetProtocol::LockRequest IInternetProtocolSink
            IInternetProtocol::Read IInternetProtocolSink::ReportData
            IInternetProtocol::Seek IInternetProtocolSink::ReportProgress
            IInternetProtocol::UnlockRequest IInternetProtocolSink::ReportResult
            IInternetProtocolInfo IInternetProtocolSink::Switch
            IInternetProtocolInfo::CombineUrl IInternetSession
            IInternetProtocolInfo::CompareUrl IInternetSession::RegisterMimeFilter
            IInternetProtocolInfo::ParseUrl IInternetSession::RegisterNameSpace
            IInternetProtocolInfo::QueryInfo IInternetSession::UnregisterMimeFilter
            IInternetProtocolRoot IInternetSession::UnregisterNameSpace

            The following table shows the functions that are related to asynchronous pluggable protocols that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            CoInternetGetProtocolFlags CoInternetGetSession CoInternetParseUrl

            The following table shows the structures that are related to asynchronous pluggable protocols that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.


            The following table shows the enumerations that are related to asynchronous pluggable protocols that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.


            URL Monikers

            A URL moniker is a system-provided moniker class that supports asynchronous binding to a URL.

            Monikers are used as the basis for linking in OLE. After a moniker is bound to an object, the IMoniker interface for the moniker can be used to locate, activate, and access the bound object without having any other specific information on where the actual object is located. For standard monikers, this binding process occurs synchronously, which does not impact performance dramatically, because the moniker and object are usually on a local system. Examples of objects that can be bound to a moniker include files, items, and pointers.

            Binding a moniker to a URL synchronously impacts performance, because the process has to wait for responses from the network before completing the binding process. Using asynchronous URL monikers and the URL functions allows an application to bind a moniker to a URL without affecting performance.

            The following table shows the interfaces and methods that are related to URL monikers that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            IAuthenticate IBindStatusCallback::OnStartBinding
            IAuthenticate::Authenticate IBindStatusCallback::OnStopBinding
            IBindHost IHttpNegotiate
            IBindHost::CreateMoniker IHttpNegotiate::BeginningTransaction
            IBindHost::MonikerBindToObject IHttpNegotiate::OnResponse
            IBindHost::MonikerBindToStorage IHttpSecurity
            IBinding IHttpSecurity::OnSecurityProblem
            IBinding::Abort IPersistMoniker
            IBinding::GetBindResult IPersistMoniker::GetCurMoniker
            IBinding::GetPriority IPersistMoniker::IsDirty
            IBinding::Resume IPersistMoniker::Load
            IBinding::SetPriority IPersistMoniker::Save
            IBinding::Suspend IPersistMoniker::SaveCompleted
            IBindStatusCallback IWindowForBindingUI
            IBindStatusCallback::GetBindInfo IWindowForBindingUI::GetWindow
            IBindStatusCallback::GetPriority IWinInetHttpInfo
            IBindStatusCallback::OnDataAvailable IWinInetHttpInfo::QueryInfo
            IBindStatusCallback::OnObjectAvailable IWinInetInfo
            IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress IWinInetInfo::QueryOption

            The following table shows the functions that are related to URL monikers that Windows CE supports.

            CoInternetCombineUrl GetClassFileOrMime
            CoInternetCompareUrl IsAsyncMoniker
            CoInternetQueryInfo ObtainUserAgentString
            CreateAsyncBindCtxEx RegisterBindStatusCallback
            CreateURLMoniker ReleaseBindInfo
            FindMimeFromData RevokeBindStatusCallback

            The following table shows the structures and enumerations that are related to URL monikers that Windows CE supports.


            The following table shows the error values that are related to URL monikers that Windows CE supports.



            MSHTML is a rendering engine and parser for HTML. Introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, it is the main HTML component of the Internet Explorer Web browser and can be reused in other applications. It hosts ActiveX controls and supports the OLE Control 96 (OC96) specification for windowless controls. Controls that use the OC96 interfaces can gain in performance, and they can be transparent and have an irregular shape.

            The following table shows the MSHTML interfaces that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports. To determine the methods that Windows CE supports for each of these interfaces, see the MSDN Library.

            IHTMLAnchorElement IHMTLFormElement IHTMLOptionElementFactory
            IHTMLAreaElement IHTMLFrameBase IHTMLOptionsHolder
            IHTMLAreasCollection IHTMLFrameElement IHTMLParaElement
            IHTMLBaseElement IHTMLFramesCollection2 IHMTLPluginsCollection
            IHTMLBaseFontElement IHTMLFrameSetElement IHTMLRuleStyle
            IHTMLBGsound IHTMLHeaderElement IHTMLScreen
            IHTMLBlockElement IHTMLHRElement IHTMLScriptElement
            IHTMLBodyElement IHTMLIFrameElement IHTMLSelectElement
            IHTMLBRElement IHTMLImageLElementFactory IHTMLSelectionElement
            IHTMLButtonElement IHTMLImgElement IHTMLSpanFlow
            IHTMLCommentElement IHTMLInputButtonElement IHTMLStyle
            IHTMLControlElement IHTMLInputFileElement IHTMLStyleElement
            IHTMLControlRange IHTMLInputHiddenElement IHTMLStyleSheet
            IHTMLDataBinding IHTMLInputImageElement IHTMLStyleSheetRule
            IHTMLDDElement IHTMLInputTextElement IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection
            IHTMLDialog IHTMLIsIndexElement IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection
            IHTMLDivElement IHTMLLabelElement IHTMLTable
            IHTMLDivPosition IHTMLLegendElement IHTMLTableCaption
            IHTMLDListElement IHTMLLIElement IHTMLTableCell
            IHTMLDocument IHTMLLinkElement IHTMLTableCol
            IHTMLDocument2 IHTMLLocation IHTMLTableRow
            IHTMLDTElement IHTMLMapElement IHTMLTableSection
            IHTMLElement IHTMLMarqueeElement IHTMLTextAreaElement
            IHTMLElementCollection IHTMLMetaElement IHTMLTextContainer
            IHTMLEmbedElement IHTMLMimeTypesCollection IHTMLTextElement
            IHTMLEventObj IHTMLNextIdElement IHTMLTitleElement
            IHTMLFieldSetElement IHTMLObjectElement IHTMLTxtRange
            IHTMLFiltersCollection IHTMLOListElement IHTMLUListElement
            IHTMLFontElement IHTMLOpsProfile IHTMLWindow2
            IHTMLFontNamesCollection IHTMLOptionButtonElement IOmHistory
            IHTMLFontSizesCollection IHTMLOptionElement IOmNavigator

            The following table shows the MSHTML element events that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            onabort onerror onkeydown onload onscroll
            onblur onfocus onkeypress onmouseup onselectstart
            onclick onhelp onkeyup onresize  

            The following table shows the MSHTML document events that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.

            onclick onkeydown onkeyup onselectstart
            onhelp onkeypress onmouseup  

            Internet Explorer for Windows CE does not support any MSHTML element events2.

            Web Browser Control

            The Shdocvw.dll component, which is referred to more frequently as the Web Browser control, supplies the functionality that is associated with navigation, in-place linking, management of favorites and history, and support of PICS. In-place linking refers to the ability to click a link in the HTML of the loaded document and load a new HTML document in the same instance of the Web Browser control. This dynamic-link library (or DLL) also exposes interfaces to its host to allow it to be hosted separately as an ActiveX control.

            The following table shows the interfaces and methods that are related to the Web Browser control that Windows CE supports.

            DWebBrowserEvents2 IWebBrowser2::get_RegisterAsBrowser
            DWebBrowserEvents2::BeforeNavigate2 IWebBrowser2::get_Resizable
            DWebBrowserEvents2::CommandStateChange IWebBrowser2::get_Silent
            DWebBrowserEvents2::DocumentComplete IWebBrowser2::get_Top
            DWebBrowserEvents2::DownloadBegin IWebBrowser2::get_TopLevelContainer
            DWebBrowserEvents2::DownloadComplete IWebBrowser2::get_Visible
            DWebBrowserEvents2::NavigateComplete2 IWebBrowser2::get_Width
            DWebBrowserEvents2::NewWindow2 IWebBrowser2::GetProperty
            DWebBrowserEvents2::OnQuit IWebBrowser2::GoBack
            DWebBrowserEvents2::OnVisible IWebBrowser2::GoForward
            DWebBrowserEvents2::ProgressChange IWebBrowser2::GoHome
            DWebBrowserEvents2::PropertyChange IWebBrowser2::GoSearch
            DWebBrowserEvents2::StatusTextChange IWebBrowser2::Navigate
            DWebBrowserEvents2::TitleChange IWebBrowser2::Navigate2
            IWebBrowser2 IWebBrowser2::put_FullScreen
            IWebBrowser2::ClientToWindow IWebBrowser2::put_Height
            IWebBrowser2::ExecWB IWebBrowser2::put_Left
            IWebBrowser2::get_Application IWebBrowser2::put_RegisterAsBrowser
            IWebBrowser2::get_Busy IWebBrowser2::put_RegisterAsDropTarget
            IWebBrowser2::get_Document IWebBrowser2::put_Resizable
            IWebBrowser2::get_FullName IWebBrowser2::put_Silent
            IWebBrowser2::get_Height IWebBrowser2::put_Top
            IWebBrowser2::get_HWND IWebBrowser2::put_Visible
            IWebBrowser2::get_Left IWebBrowser2::put_Width
            IWebBrowser2::get_LocationName IWebBrowser2::PutProperty
            IWebBrowser2::get_LocationURL IWebBrowser2::QueryStatusWB
            IWebBrowser2::get_Name IWebBrowser2::Quit
            IWebBrowser2::get_Parent IWebBrowser2::Refresh
            IWebBrowser2::get_Path IWebBrowser2::Refresh2
            IWebBrowser2::get_ReadyState IWebBrowser2::Stop

            The following table shows the enumerations that are related to the Web Browser control that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.



            MLang is a set of APIs that is designed to help make software that interacts with Internet data more international. More specifically, MLang helps solve problems that are presented by the multilingual environment that exists for software today.

            MLang offers APIs for several areas of Internet software internationalization. Included in these APIs is a rich set of character set conversion APIs, the most important of which translates all current Internet character sets to Unicode and back. Developers can use these conversion APIs to base their applications entirely on Unicode and free them from dependencies on particular Internet character sets. MLang also provides two code-page detection methods that automatically determine in which languages and code pages data is written. MLang maps the relationship between a MIME character-set identifier such as "gb2312" and an unsigned integer that can be passed into MLang APIs or into standard Win32 APIs. MLang provides information about the character set and font support for specific scripts that are available on the computer that is running the software. This script and font information can be used to implement font linking, which is a general way to render an arbitrary Unicode character on a system. To complete the functionality, MLang allows an application to perform globalized line breaking and conversions between language identifiers in RFC1766 format and Microsoft Windows CE locale identifiers (LCIDs).

            The following table shows the MLang objects that Windows CE supports.

            Code Page Enumeration MultiLanguage
            Conversion Script Enumeration
            Locale Enumeration

            The following table shows the MLanginterfaces and methods that Windows CE supports.

            IEnumCodePage IMLangFontLink2
            IEnumCodePage::Next IMLangFontLink2::CodePageToScriptID
            IEnumCodePage::Reset IMLangFontLink2::GetFontCodePages
            IEnumCodePage::Skip IMLangFontLink2::GetFontUnicodeRanges
            IEnumRfc1766 IMLangFontLink2::GetScriptFontInfo
            IEnumRfc1766::Next IMLangFontLink2::MapFont
            IEnumRfc1766::Reset IMLangFontLink2::ReleaseFont
            IEnumRfc1766::Skip IMLangFontLink2::ResetFontMapping
            IMLangCodePages IMLangLineBreakConsole
            IMLangCodePages::CodePagesToCodePage IMLangLineBreakConsole::BreakLineA
            IMLangCodePages::CodePageToCodePages IMLangLineBreakConsole::BreakLineW
            IMLangCodePages::GetCharCodePages IMultiLanguage
            IMLangCodePages::GetStrCodePages IMultiLanguage::ConvertString
            IMLangConvertCharset IMultiLanguage::ConvertStringFromUnicode
            IMLangConvertCharset::DoConversion IMultiLanguage::ConvertStringToUnicode
            IMLangConvertCharset::DoConversionFromUnicode IMultiLanguage::CreateConvertCharset
            IMLangConvertCharset::DoConversionToUnicode IMultiLanguage::EnumCodePages
            IMLangConvertCharset::GetDestinationCodePage IMultiLanguage::EnumRfc1766
            IMLangConvertCharset::GetProperty IMultiLanguage::GetCharsetInfo
            IMLangConvertCharset::GetSourceCodePage IMultiLanguage::GetCodePageInfo
            IMLangConvertCharset::Initialize IMultiLanguage::GetFamilyCodePage
            IMLangFontLink IMultiLanguage::GetLcidFromRfc1766
            IMLangFontLink::GetFontCodePages IMultiLanguage::GetNumberOfCodePageInfo
            IMLangFontLink::MapFont IMultiLanguage::GetRfc1766FromLcid
            IMLangFontLink::ReleaseFont IMultiLanguage::GetRfc1766Info
            IMLangFontLink::ResetFontMapping IMultiLanguage::IsConvertible

            The following table shows the MLang structures that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.


            The following table shows the MLang enumerations that Internet Explorer for Windows CE supports.


            For More Information

            For more information on Web site design and development, see the MSDN Library.

            For more information on WinInetfunctions, see the Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Platform Builder Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation.

            For more information on Windows CE development and customizing Windows CE, see the Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Platform Builder Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation.

            For more information on the Microsoft Windows programming environment, see both the Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Platform Builder SDK and Programming Windowsby Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press, 1999).