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Adding Board Support Packages to Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0

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Microsoft Corporation

June 2000

Summary:This document describes how to create a platform using your own board support package with Microsoft Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0. (9 printed pages)


IDE Procedures


A board support packagecontains an OEM adaptation layer (OAL), device drivers, and a default component list for your custom hardware. Platform Builder includes board support packages for the Windows CE PC–based hardware development platform (CEPC) and the Hitachi D9000 hardware development platform (ODO).

To create a platform using your own board support package, you must first create and import a component file (.cec) and create a board support package file (.bsp). Platform Builder uses these files to recognize your board support package.

The .bsp file indicates which drivers or components are needed for your board support package for each predefined configuration of the Windows CE OS. For example, for a CEPC board support package, the MINKERN OS configuration includes only the OAL and the Eboot components while the MAXALL OS configuration includes additional components, such as a display driver, a keyboard driver, and a PCMCIA driver.

The .cec file contains a description of new components for your board support package, including the OAL. This component description includes the name of the component, instructions on how to build it, and what files to copy to the %_FLATRELEASEDIR% directory. For a component to be accessible in the Platform Builder IDE, it must first be imported into the Platform Builder catalog.

Note   When the data for a field in a .cec file contains a space, the data must be enclosed by quotes. If the data is not enclosed by quotes, Platform Builder will only read the first word. Note tokens are separated by space, and lines are ignored. If you enter a comment line, you need to include a space after // in order to avoid a syntax error.

In this tutorial you will create and import a Mycepc.cec and create a Mycepc.bsp file. As a result, you add the MyCEPC board support package to Platform Builder. This board support package is based on the CEPC board support package. The tutorial assumes that you have already created your own OAL and supporting device drivers.

IDE Procedures

To create and import a .cec file for your board support package

  1. Create a directory in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform for the board support package. For this tutorial the directory is called Mycepc, which is the name of your board support package. Mycepc contains all of the kernel and driver files for the board support package, as well as component build instructions

    %_WINCEROOT% refers to the root directory of the OS files, such as C:\Wince300.

  2. Copy the OAL and driver files for the board support package to the board support package directory. For this tutorial, copy all of the files from %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Cepc to %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\Mycepc.

    For this tutorial, rename the Cepc.bat file located in the MYCEPC directory to Mycepc.bat.

  3. Create a new text file called Mybsp.cec, in %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Cec. %CEPBDir% refers to the root directory of Platform Builder, such as C:\Program files\Windows CE Platform Builder\3.00. For this tutorial, create a file called Mycepc.cec. For example:
  4. Open the new .cec file in a text editor, and create the CECInfo block in the Mycepc.cec file. For example:
    CECInfo ( Name (MyCepc) GUID
    ({C0803B90-2205-11D4-8453-00500498479D}) CECVersion (3.00) Vendor
    ("My Company name") Description ("MyCepc OAL and Drivers") )

    The following code example shows a general CECInfo block.

    CECInfo ( Name (<.cec file name>) GUID
    (<GUID value>) CECVersion (3.00) Vendor (<company
    name>) Description (<.cec file description>) )

    This block uniquely identifies the .cec file when it is imported into the Platform Builder catalog. The Name field must be name of the .cec file without the .cec extension, for example MyCEPC. You can use Guidgen.exe to create a new globally unique identifier (GUID).

  5. Create the ComponentType, Implementation, and BuildMethod block for the OAL component in the Mycepc.cec file. For example:
    // MyCEPC OAL component ComponentType ( Name
    (OAL) GUID ({B3509B99-F1E4-11d2-85F6-004005365450}) Description
    ("OEM Adaptation Layer") Implementations ( Implementation ( Name
    (MyCEPC) GUID ({C0803B91-2205-11D4-8453-00500498479D}) Description
    ("MyCEPC OAL") BuildMethods ( BuildMethod ( Step (BSP) GUID
    ({C0803B92-2205-11D4-8453-00500498479D}) CPU ("x86") Action
    ('#BUILD(DIRS, "$(_WINCEROOT)\platform\MYCEPC\kernel")') Action
    ('#BUILD(DIRS, "$(_WINCEROOT)\platform\MYCEPC\gwe")') ) ) ) )

    The following code example shows general ComponentType, Implementation, and BuildMethod blocks for an OAL component.

    // MyCEPC OAL component ComponentType ( Name
    (OAL) // Component type GUID (<GUID value>) Description
    (<component description>) Implementations ( Implementation (
    Name (<specific implementation>) GUID (<GUID value>)
    Description (<description of component implementation>)
    BuildMethods ( BuildMethod ( Step (<build step>) GUID
    (<GUID value>) CPU (<supported microprocessors>) Action
    (<actions performed during platform build>) ) ) ) ) )

    Use Guidgen.exe to create GUIDs for the Implementation and BuildMethod blocks. You must reference the same OAL GUID as defined in the Extras.cec file: {B3509B99-F1E4-11d2-85F6-004005365450}. Extras.cec is in the same directory as Mycepc.cec, %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Cec. Platform Builder uses this GUID to identify the component as an OAL component.

    For your board support package to appear in the Platform Wizard, the value for the CPU field in the BuildMethod block must be either "default" or the microprocessors that you will select in the Platform Wizard. If the value is "default", your board support package will appear as an option in the wizard whenever any of the microprocessors that are included with Platform Builder are selected. The following microprocessors are supported by default:SH3, SH4, SA1100, ARM720, ARM720T, R3912, R4102, R4111.16, R4111.32, R4300, PPC403, PPC821, and x86. If the value is a list of microprocessors, the board support package will only appear in the wizard if one of these microprocessors is selected in the wizard.

    For this tutorial, your board support package, MyCEPC, only supports the x86 microprocessor. Therefore, the value for the CPU field is "x86". If MyCEPC supported more microprocessors, such as the x86 and SH3 microprocessors, the value for the CPU field would be both microprocessors separated by a space. For example:

    CPU ("x86 SH3")
  6. Create the ComponentType, Implementation, and Method blocks in the Mycepc.cec file for each of the other components supported by your board support package, if desired, such as display, keyboard, mouse, and universal serial bus (USB) drivers. Use Guidgen.exe to create new GUIDs.

    For this tutorial, change Drivers\Cepc to Drivers\Mycepc for the Group field value. You do not need to redefine the CEPC driver components in the Mycepc.cec file because they are already defined in the Cepc.cec file. When you create a .bsp file you will reference these components in that file.

    The following code example defines Eboot2.bin as a new component in the Mycepc.cec file in order to illustrate how to add a new component. For example:

    // EBOOT2 component ComponentType ( Name (EBOOT2)
    GUID ({17E1AF73-2212-11D4-8456-00500498479D}) Description ("MyCEPC
    Eboot2.bin") Group("\Drivers\MyCEPC") Implementations (
    Implementation ( Name (Eboot2) GUID
    ({17E1AF74-2212-11D4-8456-00500498479D}) Description ("MyCEPC
    Eboot2.bin") BuildMethods ( BuildMethod ( Step (BSP) GUID
    ({17E1AF75-2212-11D4-8456-00500498479D}) CPU ("x86") Action
    ('#BUILD(DIRS, "$(_WINCEROOT)\platform\MYCEPC\EBOOT")') ) ) ) )

    Once you have defined all of the components for your board support package in the .cec file, you are ready to import the .cec file into the Platform Builder catalog.

  7. Open the Platform Builder application, and then select Manage Platform Builder Componentsfrom the Filemenu.
  8. Select Import New. The Import Platform Builder Componentdialog box is displayed.
  9. Select the .cec file for your board support package, and then choose Open. For this tutorial, select the Mycepc.cec file located in %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Cec.

    If there is a syntax error in the .cec file, you will not be able to import it. An error message is displayed that briefly describes the syntax error.

  10. Select the Refreshbutton to update the catalog, and ensure that the OAL and other components in your .cec file will be displayed in the catalog.
  11. If the catalog is not open, choose Catalogfrom the Viewmenu to display the catalog.

    orClick the Catalogbutton on the Standardtoolbar to display the catalog.

  12. Click to expand the entries in the Catalogwindow that correspond to the values you specified in the Groupfields in your .cec file.
  13. The components for your board support package should appear under the corresponding entries. In this tutorial, for example, Eboot2.bin should appear under the Driversentry in the MyCEPCfolder, and Mycepc should appear under the OALfolder.

    To create a .bsp file

    When you create a new platform, the Platform Wizard uses the .bsp file to determine which components to insert by default into a new platform, depending on the OS configuration you select in the wizard.

    1. Create a new file called Mybsp.bsp in %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Bin\Ide. %CEPBDir% refers to the root directory of Platform Builder, such as C:\Program Files\Windows CE platform builder\3.00. Platform Wizard searches for .bsp files in this directory.

      For this tutorial, create Mycepc.bsp in %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Bin\Ide.

    2. Open the .bsp file in a text editor, and list any components that should be part of the default board support package for all OS configurations. List the components by GUID, using the #ADD_COMPONENT_BY_GUID_TO_ROOT directive.

      The OAL component for your board support package will always be included in this section, in addition to any other components that are always required to be part of the board support package. Each of the components must already have been defined in a .cec file and must have been imported into the catalog. The GUIDs listed in the .bsp file must match the GUIDs listed in the .cec file(s).

      For this tutorial list the OAL and Eboot2 components in the Mycepc.bsp file, which you defined in the Mycepc.cec file. For example:

      // MyCEPC.BSP // *** Global components (for all
      configs) *** // MyCEPC uses the MyCEPC OAL implementation GUID
      ("{C0803B91-2205-11D4-8453-00500498479D}") // Eboot2 uses the
      Eboot2 implementation GUID #ADD_COMPONENT_BY_GUID_TO_ROOT
    3. In the .bsp file for each of the eight OS configurations, list the implementation GUID for each component that is required for a configuration, using the #ADD_COMPONENT_BY_GUID_TO_ROOT directive. Components can be listed for more than one OS configuration. For this tutorial, copy the eight #IF blocks from Cepc.bsp, located in %CEPBDIR%\Cepb\Bin\Ide, to Mycepc.bsp.

      As described in step 2, each of the components must already have been defined in a .cec file and must have been imported into the catalog. The GUIDs listed in the .bsp file must match the implementation GUIDs listed in the .cec file or files.

      The following code example shows the default components for the Minkern and IEsample OS configurations.

      // *** CoreOS specific components *** // ***
      MINKERN *** #IF ("COREOS", "MINKERN") // ceddk
      ("{B3509B75-F1E4-11D2-85F6-004005365450}") #ENDIF // *** IESAMPLE
      *** #IF ("COREOS", "IESAMPLE") // ceddk
      ("{B3509B75-F1E4-11D2-85F6-004005365450}") // ddi_flat
      ("{E2B049C8-F7DC-45d3-8204-0AA54FB4D4CC}") // serial
      ("{35E70441-EEA9-11D2-A092-0060085C1833}") // pcmcia
      ("{35E70445-EEA9-11D2-A092-0060085C1833}") // Keyboard driver:
      depends on language setting #IF ("COUNTRY, "JAPAN") // kbdmsjpn2
      ("{B3509B6C-F1E4-11D2-85F6-004005365450}") #ELSE // kbdmsengus1
      ("{B3509B65-F1E4-11D2-85F6-004005365450}") #ENDIF
      Note   You can use the COUNTRY environment variable setting to determine which components to include. In this example, we use the COUNTRY setting to determine which keyboard driver to include in the IEsample OS configuration. By default, the Platform Wizard uses the language setting established for the development workstation.

      To use a .bsp file

      1. Open the Platform Builder application, and then choose Newfrom the Filemenu.
      2. Type a name for your platform in the Platform namebox. For this tutorial, type MyTestPlat.
      3. You can type a new path for the platform in the Locationbox, or use the browse button to select a platform directory. The path cannot be longer than 32 characters.
      4. Select one or more microprocessors that your platform will support in the Processorsbox, and then choose OK. The Processorsbox lists only the microprocessors you installed.

        For this tutorial, you need to select Win32 (WCE x86)in order for MyCEPC to appear as an option in step 5 below. The MyCEPC board support package only supports the x86 microprocessor, as indicated by the value listed for the CPUfield in the Mycepc.cec file.

      5. Select your board support package, and then choose Next.

        If MyCEPC does not appear in the list of board support packages, verify that the Mycepc.bsp file is in %CEPBDir%\Cepb\Bin\Ide and that Mycepc.cec has been imported into the catalog.

      6. Select an OS configuration. For this tutorial select Maximum OS (Maxall)for the Maxall OS configuration.
      7. Choose Finish

        A dialog box containing information about your configuration appears. This information includes the language setting for the platform. By default, the Platform Wizard uses the language setting established for the development workstation.

      8. Choose OK, and then verify that the global components and core OS component defined in the Mycepc.bsp file appears in the ComponentViewwindow. For this tutorial, verify that the OAL and Eboot2 components appear in this window.
      9. Choose Build Platformfrom the Buildmenu to build an OS image based on the platform. It may take five to ten minutes to complete the build, depending on which OS configuration you select. Build messages appear in the Buildwindow.
      10. Verify that no build errors occurred. Error messages are displayed in the Buildwindow. If you receive an error message similar to the following message, verify that the Mycepc directory is located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Platform directory:
        Error spawning