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This function is called by the system as the initial entry point for WindowsCE-based applications.
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance , HINSTANCE hPrevInstance , LPWSTR lpCmdLine , int nShowCmd ) ;
If you need to detect whether another instance already exists, create a uniquely named mutex using the CreateMutexfunction. CreateMutexwill succeed even if the mutex already exists, but the GetLastErrorfunction will return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS. This indicates that another instance of your application exists, because it created the mutex first.
Value | Description |
SW_HIDE | Hides the window and activates another window. |
SW_SHOW | Activates a window and displays it in its current size and position. |
SW_SHOWNA | Displays a window in its current state. The active window remains active. |
SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE | Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active window remains active. |
SW_SHOWNORMAL | Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position (same as SW_RESTORE). |
Return Values
The exit value contained in that message's wParamparameter indicates success, and that the function terminates when it receives a WM_QUIT message. Zero indicates that the function terminates before entering the message loop.
Your WinMainshould initialize the application, display its main window, and enter a message retrieval-and-dispatch loop that is the top-level control structure for the remainder of the application's execution. Terminate the message loop when it receives a WM_QUIT message. At that point, your WinMainshould exit the application, returning the value passed in the WM_QUIT message's wParamparameter. If WM_QUIT was received as a result of calling PostQuitMessage, the value of wParamis the value of the PostQuitMessagefunction's nExitCodeparameter.
Runs on | Versions | Defined in | Include | Link to |
Windows CE OS | 1.0 and later | Winuser.h |
Note This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.
See Also
DispatchMessage, GetMessage, PostQuitMessage, TranslateMessage