Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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MiniportDisableInterruptis an optional function, supplied by drivers of network adapters that support dynamic enabling and disabling of interrupts but do not share an IRQ.



Specifies the handle to a miniport-allocated context area in which the driver maintains per-network adapter state, set up by MiniportInitialize.


MiniportDisableInterrupttypically disables interrupts by writing a mask to the network adapter. If a driver does not have this function, typically its MiniportISRdisables interrupts on the network adapter.

If its network adapter does not support dynamic enabling and disabling of interrupts, the network adapter driver must register a MiniportISRfunction and set RequestIsrto TRUE when it calls NdisMRegisterMiniport. Such a driver's MiniportISRfunction must acknowledge each interrupt generated by the network adapter and save any necessary interrupt information for the driver's MiniportHandleInterruptfunction.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.0 and later Ndis.h   Ndislib.lib
Note   This API is part of the complete Windows CE OS package as provided by Microsoft. The functionality of a particular platform is determined by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and some devices may not support this API.

See Also

MiniportEnableInterrupt, MiniportHandleInterrupt, MiniportInitialize, MiniportISR , NdisMRegisterMiniport , NdisRegisterInterrupt, NdisMSynchronizeWithInterrupt