Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  


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This interface is used to enumerate the components of a moniker or to enumerate the monikers in a table of monikers. IEnumMonikerhas the same methods as all enumerator interfaces: Next, Skip, Reset, and Clone.

When to Implement

You need to implement IEnumMonikerif you are writing a new type of moniker and your monikers have an internal structure that can be enumerated. Your implementation of IMoniker::Enummust return an enumerator that implements IEnumMonikerand can enumerate your moniker's components. If your moniker has no structure that can be enumerated, your IMoniker::Enummethod can simply return a NULL pointer.

When to Use

Call the methods of the IEnumMonikerinterface if you need to enumerate the components of a composite moniker, or to enumerate the monikers in a table.

OLE defines two interfaces that supply an IEnumMonikerinterface pointer: