Microsoft Windows CE 3.0  

Application Design Guidelines

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Microsoft Windows CE is a compact, multithreaded, fully preemptive operating system (OS) that was designed for use on multiple platforms with limited resources. Windows CE features a unique modular design that allows you to create customized platforms and applications for a broad variety of devices ranging from consumer electronic devices to industrial controllers.

Windows CE features a set of characteristics that distinguish the operating system from the desktop-based Windows platforms. You need to take these differences into consideration when creating an application for a Windows CE-based platform. Windows CE offers a wide range of programming scenarios depending on various factors, such as the kind of application you want to create, the target platform, the type of device the program will run on, and the type of programming tool you are using. After you have chosen an appropriate target platform, Windows CE lets you select from a broad selection of programming environments and tools, in which you can create your application.

The Application Design Guidelines section provides you with a set of guidelines on how to create applications for a Windows CE based-platform. The chapter Porting an Application to Windows CEdiscusses how to port an application from a Windows-based desktop platform to a Windows CE-based platform. The chapter Designing a User Interface for Windows CEillustrates how to design a User Interface (UI) for a Windows CE-based application, and the chapter Programming and Designing a Global Applicationprovides guidelines on how to develop globalized applications for Windows CE-based platforms.

 Last updated on Friday, April 02, 2004

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