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PoolMon Syntax

Overview | Notes | Syntax | Examples | Related Tools Open Command Prompt

PoolMon uses the following syntax:

One Step poolmon [/i Tag] [/x Tag] [/t|/p|/a|/f|/d|/b|/m] [/e] [/l]


/i Tag
List only matching pool tag names; a tag name can include * and ?. Tag values are case-sensitive.
/x Tag
List everything except matching pool tag names; a tag name can include * and ?. Tag values are case-sensitive.
Sorts tags alphabetically by tag name.
Sorts tag list by non-paged. Once PoolMon starts, use p again to cycle through other options.
Sorts tags by allocation size.
Sorts tags by "frees" size.
Sorts tags by size difference between allocations and frees.
Sorts tags by maximum byte usage.
Sorts tags by maximum byte allocation.
Displays pool totals at the bottom of the data.
Disables highlighting of changed lines.
