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NetDom Syntax

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NetDom uses the following general syntax:

One Step netdom Command Object [/d: Domain] [Options]


Netdom add

Adds a workstation or server account to the domain.


One Step netdom add Computer /d: Domain [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/s: Server] [/ou: OUPath] [/dc] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer to be added.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain in which to create the account. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
/s: Server
Specifies the name of a domain controller that performs the add.
/ou: OUPath
Specifies the organizational unit (OU) under which to create the account. This must be the full RFC 1779 distinguished name of the OU. If omitted, the account is created under the default OU for machine objects for that domain.
Specifies that a domain controller's machine account is to be created. This allows the computer accounts for new Windows NT 4.0 Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs) and new Windows 2000 domain controllers to be pre-created. If installing a new Windows NT 4.0 BDC into an existing Windows 2000 domain, the computer account must be pre-created. This option cannot be used with the /ou parameter.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the add operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom add /help

Sample Usage

netdom add /d:reskit.ms.com mywksta
netdom add /d:reskit.ms.com mynt4dc /dc

Netdom join

Joins a workstation or member server to a domain. The act of joining a computer to a domain creates an account for the computer on the domain, if it does not already exist.


One Step join Computer /d: Domain [/ou: OUPath] [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/reboot[:Delay]] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer to be joined.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain to which the account is joined. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/ou: OUPath
Specifies the organizational unit (OU) under which to create the account. This must be the full RFC 1779 distinguished name of the OU. If omitted, the account is created under the default OU for machine objects for that domain.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the computer to be joined. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies that the computer is shut down and automatically rebooted after the join has completed. Delay is the number of seconds before automatic shutdown occurs. The default Delay value is 20 seconds.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • When joining a computer running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier to the domain, the operation is not transacted. This means that a failure during the operation could leave the computer in an undetermined state with respect to the domain to which it should be joined.
  • To see the command-line usage for the join operation, type the following at the command line:
  • netdom join /help

Sample Usage

netdom join /d:reskit.ms.com mywksta

Netdom move

Moves a workstation or member server to a new domain. The act of moving a computer to a new domain creates an account for the computer on the domain, if it does not already exist.

One Step netdom move Computer /d: Domain [/ou: OUPath] [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/reboot[:Delay]] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer to be moved.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain to which the account is moved. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/ou: OUPath
Specifies the organizational unit (OU) under which to create the account. This must be the full RFC 1779 distinguished name of the OU. If omitted, the account is created under the default OU for machine objects for that domain.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account to make the connection with the computer to be moved. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies that the computer is shut down and automatically rebooted after the move has completed. Delay is the number of seconds before automatic shutdown occurs. The default Delay is 20 seconds.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • When moving a computer running Windows NT 4.0 or earlier to the domain, the operation is not transacted. This means that a failure during the operation could leave the computer in an undetermined state with respect to the domain to which it should be moved.
  • When moving a computer to a new domain, the old computer account in the previous domain is not deleted. If the prior domain is a Windows 2000 domain, the old computer account is disabled.
  • To see the command-line usage for the move operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom move /help

Sample Usage

netdom move /d:newdomain mywksta

Netdom query

Queries the domain for information such as membership and trust.

One Step netdom query /d: Domain [/s: Server] [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/verify] [/reset] [/direct] {WORKSTATION|SERVER|DC|OU|PDC|FSMO|TRUST} [/verbose]


/d: Domain
Specifies the domain to query for the information. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/s: Server
Specifies the name of a domain controller to perform the query.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies to verify the secure channel secrets for all enumerated memberships or trusts as well as displaying them. Unless the user is an enterprise administrator, it may not be possible to verify all secure channel secrets.
Specifies to resynchronize the secure channel secrets for all enumerated memberships or trusts (which are currently broken). The /reset parameter implies the /verify parameter. Unless the user is an enterprise administrator, it may not be possible to reset all enumerated trusts or memberships.
Indicates that the query for trust relationships should only return direct trust relationships rather than direct and indirect ralationships. This parameter is valid only when Domain is specified with the /d parameter.
Specifies the type of list to generate.
Object Description
WORKSTATION Queries the domain for the list of workstations.
SERVER Queries the domain for the list of servers.
DC Queries the domain for the list of domain controllers.
OU Queries the domain for the list of OUs under which the specified user can create a machine object.
PDC Queries the domain for the current Primary Domain Controller.
FSMO Queries the domain for the current list of FSMO owners.
TRUST Queries the domain for the list of its trusts.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


Sample Usage

netdom query /d:reskit.ms.com DC

Netdom remove

Removes a workstation or server from the domain.

One Step netdom remove Computer /d: Domain [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/reboot[:Delay]] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer to be removed.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain from which the account will be removed. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account to make the connection with the computer to be removed. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies that the computer is shut down and automatically rebooted after the remove operation has completed. Delay is the number of seconds before automatic shutdown occurs. The default Delay is 20 seconds.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the remove operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom remove /help

Sample Usage

netdom remove /d:reskit.ms.com mywksta

Netdom rename

Renames a Windows NT 4.0 backup domain controller. This can assist in Windows NT 4.0 domain renaming efforts.

One Step netdom rename Computer [/d: Domain] [/reboot[:Delay]] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the backup domain controller to rename.
/d: Domain
Specifies the new name of the domain.
Specifies that the computer is shut down and automatically rebooted after the rename operation has completed. Delay is the number of seconds before automatic shutdown occurs. The default Delay is 20 seconds.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the rename operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom rename /help

Sample Usage

netdom rename /d:newdomain BDC51

Netdom reset

Resets the secure connection between a workstation and a domain controller.

One Step netdom reset Computer /d: Domain [/s: Server] [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer for which the connection will be reset.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain with which to establish the secure connection. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/s: Server
Specifies the name of the domain controller to use to establish the secure connection.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account to make the connection with the computer to be reset. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the reset operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom reset /help

Sample Usage

netdom reset /d:reskit.ms.com redmond

Netdom resetpwd

One Step netdom resetpwd /s: Server /ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/verbose]


/s: Server
Specifies the name of the domain controller to use for setting the machine account password.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /s parameter. This must be in Domain\User format. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the resetpwd operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom resetpwd /help

Netdom time

Verifies or resets and synchronizes time within a domain.

One Step netdom time Computer /d: Domain [/ud:[Domain\]User /pd:{Password|*}] [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/verify] [/reset] [/synch] [WORKSTATION] [SERVER] [/verbose]


Specifies the domain with which to verify/reset the time.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain with which to verify/reset the time. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the domain in the /d parameter. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /ud parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the machine to which the time operation will be performed. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Displays the synchronization status of all domain controllers within the domain.
Synchronizes the clocks of those domain controllers which are not within the allowed skew range for the domain.
Specifies to automatically resynchronize a specified domain controller or all domain controllers that are out of synch.
Resets and/or verifies the time for all the workstations in a domain.
Resets and/or verifies the time for all the domain controllers in a domain.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the time operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom time /help

Sample Usage

netdom time /d:masterdom resourcedom

Netdom trust

Establishes, verifies, or resets a trust relationship between domains.

One Step netdom trust TrustingDomainName /d: TrustedDomainName [/ud:[Domain\]User] [/pd:{Password|*}] [/uo: User] [/po:{Password|*}] [/verify] [/reset] [/passwordt: NewRealmTrustPassword] [/add [/realm]] [/remove [/force]] [/twoway] [/kerberos] [/transitive[:{YES|NO}]] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the trusting domain.
/d: TrustedDomainName
Specifies the name of the trusted domain. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/uo: User
Specifies the user account that makes the connection with the trusting domain. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Verifies the secure channel secrets upon which a specific trust is based.
Resets the trust secret between trusted domains or between the domain controller and the workstation.
/passwordt: NewRealmTrustPassword
Specifies a new trust password. This parameter is valid only with the /add parameter and only if one of the domains specified is a non-Windows Kerberos realm. The trust password is set on the Windows domain only, which means that credentials are not needed for the non-Windows domain.
Specifies to create a trust.
Indicates that the trust is created to a non-Windows Kerberos realm. The /realm parameter is valid only with the /add and /passwordt parameters.
Specifies to break a trust.
Removes both the trusted domain object and the cross-reference object for the specified domain from the forest. This is used to clean up decommissioned domains that are no longer in use and were not able to be removed by using the Active Directory Installation wizard. This can occur if the domain controller for that domain was disabled or damaged and there were no domain controllers or it was not possible to recover the domain controller from backup media. This parameter is valid only when the /remove parameter is specified.
Specifies to establish a two-way trust relationship rather than a one-way trust relationship.
Specifies to exercise the Kerberos protocol between a workstation and a target domain. This parameter is valid only when the /verify parameter is specified.
Specifies whether to set a transitive or nontransitive trust. This parameter is valid only for a non-Windows Kerberos realm. Non-Windows Kerberos trusts are created as nontransitive. If a value is omitted, then the current transitivity state is displayed.
Value Description
YES Sets the realm to a transitive trust.
NO Sets the realm to a nontransitive trust.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


  • To see the command-line usage for the trust operation, type the following at the command line:

    netdom trust /help

Sample Usage

netdom trust /d:masterdom resourcedom

Netdom verify

Verifies the secure connection between a workstation and a domain controller.

One Step netdom verify Computer /d: Domain [/uo: User /po:{Password|*}] [/verbose]


Specifies the name of the computer whose secure connection is verified.
/d: Domain
Specifies the domain with which to verify the secure connection. If the parameter is omitted, then the domain that the current computer belongs to is used.
/uo: User
Specifies the domain with which to verify the secure connection. If this parameter is omitted, the current user account is used.
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /uo parameter. Use * to be prompted for the password.
Specifies verbose output. By default, only the result of the operation is reported. If /verbose is specified, the output lists the success or failure of each transaction necessary to perform the operation as well as returning an error level based on the success (0) or failure (1) of the operation.


Sample Usage

netdom verify /d:resourcedom yourwksta