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NetDiag Notes

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Test Switches

The following test switches are available in NetDiag:

Network adapter

netdiag /test:Bindings

1. Enumerate network adapter configuration details for all installed network adapters, including network adapter description, physical address, and resources in use.

2. Verify LAN and WAN adapter driver status - initialized or error.

3. Sense if network adapter is attached to the network (NDIS Autosense).


netdiag /test:WAN

1. COM port in use and settings: data bits, stop bits, parity, baud rate, error checking, compression, LCP extensions, Unimodem support.

2. Sense if WAN link is up.


netdiag /test:Bindings

1. Enumerate all network bindings, including binding failures.


netdiag /test:Winsock

1. Enumerate Winsock layered service providers, including minimum and maximum version supported, vendor description, maximum number of sockets, and maximum UDP datagram size.

2. Ping Web Proxy Server, if present.

General TCP/IP

netdiag /test:IPConfig

1. Configuration information: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, autoconfiguration enabled, DHCP enabled, LMHOSTS enabled, host name, DNS servers, DNS domain, WINS servers, node type, NetBIOS scope ID, IP address forwarding (routing) enabled, WINS proxy enabled, NetBIOS resolution (enabled, disabled, by way of DHCP), DNS for Windows name resolution, DHCP class ID, IP address security.

netdiag /test:DefGw

2. Enumerate Configured Default Gateways. Ping current default gateway address if present. If current default gateway is not reachable, then ping each gateway in the gateway list until success is achieved, or until the end of the list is reached.


1. DHCP lease obtained, lease expires.

2. If Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) address is in use, then broadcast to determine if DHCP server is available, including time information to indicate how long it took to get a response.


netdiag /test:Netstat

1. Enumerate local and remote name cache (for example, nbtstat -c and nbtstat -n).

DNS Server

netdiag /test:DNS

1. Ping DNS server.

2. If server is not available, then log target address, status code and description.

3. Try next server, per search order, until the end of the list is reached.

4. Query DNS server on Port 53 for SOA record.

WINS Server

netdiag /test:WINS

1. Ping WINS server.

2. Test whether registration of a unique or group name specific to this diagnostic is successful.

3. Test whether name query of the above name is successful.

4. If server is not available, then log target address, status code and description.

5. Try next server, per search order.

IPX protocol

netdiag /test:IPX

1. Get frame type, network ID, packetburst enabled, source routing enabled, RouterMTU.


netdiag /test:Route

1. Enumerate static routes and report if they are persistent. Note that this test will return "N/A" on Windows 95 and Windows 98 platforms because it does not apply.


netdiag /test:Netware

1. Tree or bindery login, default context if tree login, server attached to on startup (get nearest server reply information).

Distributed systems

1. RPC Tests - Perform an RPC bind and ack.

netdiag /test:DsGetDC

2. Find domain controller in your domain: domain controller name, IP address, domain name, domain GUID, tree name, domain controller site name, our site name, flags.

3. Find PDC (Primary Domain Controller) in your domain: domain controller name, IP address, domain GUID, domain name, tree name, domain controller site name, our site name, flags.

4. Find Windows domain controller in your domain: domain controller name, IP address, domain GUID, domain name, tree name, domain controller site name, our site name, flags.

netdiag /test:DcList

5. List of domain controllers in domain.

netdiag /test:Trust

6. Trust Relationship Test - Enumerate NTLM and Kerberos Trusts.

netdiag /test:Kerberos

7. Kerberos Test: Cached Tickets including server name, end time, and renew time. Note that this test will return "N/A" on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0 platforms because it does not apply.

netdiag /test:Ldap

8. LDAP Test Un-Authenticated LDAP call - Current time, server name, subschemaSubentry, settings. Note that this test will return "N/A" on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 platforms because it does not apply.

9. NTLM Authenticated LDAP call.

10. Authenticated LDAP call.

11. IPSEC Test - Is IPSEC enabled?, Enumerate IPSEC policy settings. Note that this test will return "N/A" on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 platforms because it does not apply.