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FileVer Examples

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Example 1: Determine the Version of Internet Explorer

Some applications are not able to correctly determine the version number of various types of upgraded files. FileVer determines the version numbers of applications by examining the header information in the upgraded file. In this example, to determine the version number of Microsoft Internet Explorer, append the path environment variable to include the Windows XP Professional Support Tools directory.

path= %PATH%;c:\program files\support tools

Change directories to the Internet Explorer directory:

cd c:\program files\internet explorer

Then, run FileVer by typing the following:

filever \v iexplore.exe

FileVer displays version information about Microsoft Internet Explorer similar to the following:

--a-- W32i   APP ENU	6.0.2484.0 shp	 91,136 05-29-2001 iexplore.exe
		Language		0x0409 (English (United States))
		CharSet		 0x04b0 Unicode
		OleSelfRegister Disabled
		CompanyName	 Microsoft Corporation
		FileDescription Internet Explorer
		InternalName	iexplore
		OriginalFilenam IEXPLORE.EXE
		ProductName	 Microsoft« Windows« Operating System
		ProductVersion  6.00.2484.0000
		FileVersion	 6.00.2484.0000 (main.010529-2005)
		LegalCopyright  ¬ Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

		Signature:	feef04bd
		Struc Ver:	00010000
		FileVer:		00060000:09b40000 (6.0:2484.0)
		ProdVer:		00060000:09b40000 (6.0:2484.0)
		FlagMask:	 0000003f
		Flags:		00000000
		OS:			 00040004 NT Win32
		FileType:	 00000001 App
		SubType:		00000000
		FileDate:	 00000000:00000000