This command-line tool displays information about files that are
encrypted with
EFS is a feature of Windows that enables users to encrypt and
decrypt files. Using EFS, users can protect files from unauthorized
access to their sensitive data, including from a stolen laptop or
external disk drive. Folders themselves are not encrypted, but are
marked so that files that are created within them will be
In EFS, users work with encrypted files just as they do with any
other files, and the encryption is transparent. If the EFS user is
the same person who encrypted the file or folder, then the system
decrypts the file or folder when the user accesses it later.
However, unauthorized users are prevented from access to encrypted
files or folders.
For more information on EFS, see
Encrypting File System overview in the Help and Support Center.
For more information on NTFS, see NTFS:
Getting Started in the Help and Support Center.