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Windows Tools

Diruse.exe: Directory Disk Usage

Overview | Syntax | Examples | Related Tools Open Command Prompt

This command-line tool displays directory size information, including compression information for NTFS volumes. You can use DirUse to determine the actual usage of space for compressed files and directories.

You can also specify a maximum folder size. DirUse then marks any folders that exceed the specified limit and, if you choose, alerts you to the problem.

If you run DirUse while logged on as a member of the Administrators group, you can check the use of disk space in directories even if you do not have access rights to those directories.


Corresponding UI

You can use Windows Explorer to determine the size of the first level of directories on a drive, but not to determine the overall size of directories and their subdirectories.

There is no other corresponding user interface for DirUse.


For more information on NTFS, see NTFS: Getting Started in the Help and Support Center.

System Requirements

The following are the system requirements for DirUse:

File required