Determines how often a Queue Manager attempts to access the Message Queuing directory service and/or perform name resolution in order to deliver an outgoing message. This entry specifies the elapsed time between successive attempts. The queue manager continues its attempts until it is successful.
By default, a Queue Manager waits 60 seconds between the first and second attempts. Thereafter, the time between attempts increases in 30–second intervals until it reaches five minutes (300 seconds). Subsequent attempts occur at five–minute intervals. However, if you change the value of this entry, the value you enter determines the elapsed time between all attempts and does not vary.
Consider adding this entry to the registry and increasing its value if computer names and addresses change frequently. You might also want to increase its value if messages are submitted offline using a format name which requires access to the Message Queuing directory service (PUBLIC or PRIVATE formats) or name resolution (DIRECT format with UNC or DNS machine name).
High values (less frequent attempts) reduce the number of trials and minimize the time Message Queuing takes to send the message after the destination computer reconnects to the network. Low values (more frequent attempts) can occupy the Queue Manager with repeated, futile attempts to find the destination computer.
This entry does not appear in the registry unless you add it or use a program to change its default value.