
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\<{Class-GUID}>\<Device-number (000n)>\Ndi\


The Interfaces subkey stores entries that specify the upper and lower bounds of driver interfaces, that is, the relationship between layers of drivers in the network. The lower interface, optionally specified by the value of LowerRange, indicates the hardware or lower-level drivers with which this driver can communicate, such as Ethernet. The upper interfaces, optionally specified by the value of UpperRange, indicates the software interface provided by the driver.

Note Image Note

Windows 2000 does not include NetRules subkeys. In Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the NetRules subkeys contained entries that specified bind rules for network software components. Some bind specifications are stored in the Ndi subkeys that contain configuration data for network driver installers. However, these are primary upper bind and lower bind settings only.