Checking the custom filter rules

In Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP3 changes were made to the display name format that Enterprise Vault uses to look up Lotus Notes users. In Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP3 and later releases do not include the domain in display name attributes, </DISPN>, in custom filter rules.

To use the <DISPN> attribute to specify a filter for message authors and recipients, use the format that is shown in the following examples:

<DISPN>Kevin Smith/exampleOrg</DISPN>
<DISPN>Kevin Smith/exampleOU/exampleOrg</DISPN>

The following display name format is not longer valid in Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP3 and later releases:

<DISPN>Kevin Smith/exampleorg@exampledomain</DISPN>

If you have custom filtering configured for Domino Server archiving, check that the correct display name format is used in the existing filter rules files.