Uninstalling Providers

The provider is a component that is only invoked by request, so if it’s left on a server, it will not cause any harm. There are three ways to uninstall providers:

Before uninstalling providers, note that multiple controllers can share a single provider. Therefore, before uninstalling a provider, make sure that no controllers are using the provider.

To remotely uninstall providers by using the console

  1. On the Tools menu, click Configure Ultrasound.
  2. Under Monitored FRS replica sets, choose the replica set for which you want to uninstall providers. (You can also press the CTRL key and click to select multiple replica sets.)
  3. Under Ultrasound WMI Provider Deployment Status, click the replica member on which you want to uninstall the provider, and then click Uninstall Provider. (You can also press the CTRL key and click to select multiple servers.)

To uninstall providers locally by using the command line

  1. Copy the provider file USProvider.msi from the Program Files\FRS Monitoring folder on the console server to the servers on which you want to uninstall the provider.
  2. On the servers, at the command prompt, type the following:
    msiexec /x Installerpackage

    In the above syntax, for Installerpackage substitute the path and file name of the file USProvider.msi (for example, F:\Data\USProvider.msi).

    If the installer package is not available, use the following command instead:

    msiexec /x {632B88AD-6ABC-489D-8B8D-CB84C4987251}
  3. On the console server, run Ultrasound.
  4. On the Tools menu, click Configure Ultrasound.
  5. Under Monitored FRS replica sets, click the replica set whose members you uninstalled providers by using the command line.
  6. Under Ultrasound WMI Provider Deployment Status, right-click the replica member on which you installed the provider, point to Override Deployment State, and then click Uninstalled.