In the Alerts pane, double-click the alert to which you want to
Do any of the following:
Click the Status drop-down list to change the status
from Active to Resolved. (To change the status of multiple alerts
at the same time, go to the Alert History tab, select the
alerts you want to resolve, right-click them, point to Change
Status To, and then click Resolved.)
Click the Severity drop-down list to change the severity
to Error, Informational, or Warning.
In Owner, type the name of the person responsible for
investigating or resolving the alert.
Click the More button to view more information about the
alert and suggested methods of resolving the error or condition
that triggered the alert. In addition to using the Help topic that
appears, use the troubleshooting information provided in the
Ultrasound Help file for further investigation. If you cannot solve
a problem, contact Microsoft Product Support Services and provide
them with the details of the problem.
If you no longer want the alert to appear, right-click the
alert, and then click Row Filter Editor. On the Alert
tab, click to clear the Enable alert check box.
If you no longer want the health to change as a result of the
condition that caused the alert, right-click the alert, and then
click Row Filter Editor. On the Health Metrics tab,
click to clear the Enable health metrics check box.
Advanced users can get additional information about alerts by
doing the following:
On the Advanced tab of the alert, click the Edit
Filter button to view or edit the row filter that caused the
alert. You can also update the Comments field to note steps
you performed to troubleshoot the alert for future reference. See
Customizing Row Filters
for more information.
On the Alert History tab, view the history of alerts to
identify alert trends.
Right-click an alert, and then click Go To Related View
to open the view that was used to trigger the alert.