Under Monitored FRS replica sets, choose the replica set
for which you want to change the reference replica member.
Under Ultrasound Reference Sources, next to Reference
member, click the Change Member button.
Under Change Ultrasound reference member to, click the
replica member to act as the reference replica member.
Under Apply change to, click one of the following:
Current selected replica set to change the reference
replica member for only the selected replica set
All replica sets with a reference member on the same server
as the current member to select a new reference replica member
for all replica sets that use the server shown in Current
member as a reference replica member. Choosing this setting is
useful if you are decommissioning the current member and want a
number of replica sets to use another reference replica member that
is common to those replica sets.
All replica sets on the same server as the current
member to use the newly selected reference member as the
reference member in any replica set in which this server is a
replica member.