The following terms are used to describe the features and components of Ultrasound.
Alert An indication of a significant event. Alerts appear in the Alerts pane. Ultrasound provides a number of preconfigured alerts to indicate issues or problems in typical replica sets. Experienced FRS administrators can also customize alerts to more granularly define the types of issues they want to monitor.
Alerts pane The area in the Ultrasound console where alerts are displayed.
Column set In the Advanced tab of the Ultrasound console, a set of viewable data shown in columns. For example, a column set can show information about a monitored replica set, such as the replica set name, the domain name, the data the replica set was created or changed, file and folder filters, and so on.
Console The user interface component of Ultrasound.
Controller The service component of Ultrasound that collects data about monitored replica sets and pushes the information into the database.
Database The component of Ultrasound that stores data about the monitored replica sets. The database is hosted on a server running MSDE or SQL Server 2000 with SP3.
Health metrics Rules that define whether an object (replica set, replica member, inbound connection, and outbound connection) is either red (critical), yellow (warning), or green (OK).
Health rating A rating that indicates the health of an object (replica set, replica member, inbound connection, and outbound connection). A health rating can be red (critical), yellow (warning), or green (OK).
Incident log In the Ultrasound console, a journal for administrators to take notes about the behavior of FRS or the actions the administrators take in response to alerts or other issues.
Notification The method that Ultrasound uses to notify administrators of an event. A notification can be an email message that is sent to administrators, an entry in the Application event log where the controller is installed, or both.
Propagation file A file used to test that replication is working. A propagation file with a unique name is created on a replica member that has outbound partners, and Ultrasound will verify that the file replicates throughout the topology to all replica members with inbound partners.
Propagation test A test that drops propagation files into the replica tree and monitors the replication of the propagation file to all replica members with inbound connections.
Provider The component of Ultrasound that is installed on replica members to collect FRS data. The provider is based on the WMI framework.
Reference domain controller The domain controller from which the controller gathers FRS data from Active Directory.
Reference replica member The replica member from which Ultrasound gathers the master list of files in the replica set.
Row filter An expression used to filter rows from the view. A row filter is the basis of alerts, notifications, and health ratings.
Schema An organized set of tables used to model the data that Ultrasound collects.
View A relationship between multiple tables. Row filters are defined on top of views.