FRS Data Collection Scripts

The Windows Support Tools contain a number of scripts that you can run to collect data about FRS. The following sections briefly describe these scripts.


Health_Chk collects a range of event, error log, Ntfrsutl status, and other information useful for monitoring or troubleshooting FRS. Note that Health_Chk has been replaced by FRSDiag.exe. For more information, see Troubleshooting FRS Using FRSDiag.


TopChk processes the output generated when the NtfrsUtl tool is run with the ds parameter. Using the NtfrsUtl ds output as its data source, TopChk creates a report that summarizes the replication topology of one or more replica sets. This report includes the following information: topology, server reference table, server host table, and server inbound and outbound partners. For more information, see Topchk.cmd: DFS and SYSVOL Replication Topology Analysis Tool.


Connstat processes the output generated when the NtfrsUtl tool is run with the sets parameter. Using the NtfrsUtl sets output as its data source, ConnStat creates a report that summarizes the status of the FRS replication connections to and from a specified computer. For more information, see Connstat.cmd: FRS Connection Status Report.


Iologsum processes the output generated when the NtfrsUtl tool is run with the inlog, outlog, or IDtable parameters.

Running NtfrsUtl inlog or NtfrsUtl outlog creates a summary inbound or outbound NtfrsUtl log report showing the pending change orders for the replica member. Running NtfrsUtl IDtable creates a report with version information for each file in the replica tree; this version information tracks the last change order accepted for that particular file or directory. Running IOLogSum then sorts and formats this NtfrsUtl output. For more information, see Iologsum.cmd: FRS Inbound and Outbound Logs Summary Report Tool.