The Details tab provides in-depth information about replica set
topologies, the files in the replica tree, and propagation tests.
After selecting a replica member on the left side of the screen,
click the Show drop-down list and select one of the
following options:
Click Topology to view the replica members in the
replica set and the inbound connections and outbound connections
for the selected server.
Click Topology Changes to view the changes to the
inbound and outbound connections.
Click Files to see a list of all files in the replica
tree on the reference replica member. You can also view the
following information:
The number of files in the replica tree.
The total size of the replica tree.
The full path and file size of any file in the replica
Where the most recent changes to the file originated.
Any pending changes to the selected file.
The total number of backlogged files and sharing violations in
the selected replica set.
Click Propagation Tests to see a list of propagation
tests and statistics about those tests, such as the time required
for the propagation file to reach all monitored members of the
replica set. For more information about propagation tests, see
Replication by Using Propagation Tests.