File Replication Service has been repeatedly prevented from updating:
File Name: "%1"
File GUID: "%2"
due to consistent sharing violations encountered on the file. Sharing violations occur when another user or application holds a file open, blocking FRS from updating it. Blockage caused by sharing violations can result in out-of-date replicated content. FRS will continue to retry this update, but will be blocked until the sharing violations are eliminated.
Possible reasons for a sharing violation are other sources that may have opened the file to be replicated in on the target machine.
To determine the full path of the file in sharing violation open the Computer Management, Shared Folders, Open Files from compmgmt.msc for the file in question and the user that has the filed opened. Search for the file listed above, Right click on the file, Select the close option to forcibly close the file. Note if multiple files with the same name are held open you may need to close all or perform more detailed steps listed in the KB article to determine file with full path that matches the GUID reported in the event. The install override feature in the Windows Server 2003 version of ntfrs.exe can be used to avoid this blockage by renaming the locked file to allow replication to occur. For more information on the install override feature in the Windows Server 2003 version of ntfrs.exe and its behavior, please refer to
To disable logging of this event, edit the following registry keys as follows:
Click Start, Run, and then type regedit.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and update the value of "Enable Sharing Violation Logging" to FALSE.
To change the frequency of reporting relative to the number of retries performed by FRS, edit the following registry key as follows:
Click Start, Run, and then type regedit.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and create (REG_DWORD, min =1, max=30, default=10) or update the value "Sharing Violation Events Counter" to a larger value to reduce the frequency of reporting.
To change the number of events reported per hour, edit the following registry key as follows:
Click Start, Run, and then type regedit.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and create (REG_DWORD, min =1, max=60, default=10) or update the value "Max Sharing Violation Event".
FRS will only report at most 60 sharing violation blockages every hour, beyond this limit, additional sharing violations may be unreported as events. If you suspect that FRS is hitting more sharing violations than those reported per hour causing replication to be backlogged, you may need to follow the detailed steps listed in the KB article.