' The following scripts demonstrates how you can copy a
configuration file located in the
' same directory as your Thinstalled EXE into the virtual
filesystem each time the application starts
' one use for this is to allow you to have an external
configuration file which is easy to edit after deployment
' because the copy occurs each time you run the application, any
edits to the external version will
' be reflected in the virtual version
' For example if your Thinstalled EXE is running from
\\server\share\myapp.exe, this script
' will look for a config file located at \\server\share\config.ini
and copy it to the virtual filesystem location:
' c:\program files\my application\config.ini
' By putting this code in the OnFirstParentStart function , it will
only be called once per execution
' Otherwise it will be executed for every child process as
well Function
OnFirstParentStart '
TS_ORIGIN is set by Thinstall to indicate the full path to the
Thinstalled EXE package Origin
= GetEnvironmentVariable("TS_ORIGIN")
' We
want to chop off the filename from TS_ORIGIN, so find the last
backslash and remove everything after this LastSlash
= InStrRev(Origin, "\")
SourcePath = Left(Origin, LastSlash)
' The
source file to copy into the virtual environment is the package
path plus config.ini
SourceFile = SourcePath + "Config.ini"
' The
location we want to copy to may be in a different location on
different computers if
' the "Program Files" directory is mapped to a different location
than c:\
' The following call will let Thinstall expand a macro to get the
correct location for the local PC DestFile
= ExpandPath("%ProgramFilesDir%\MyApplication\Config.ini")
' Use
the FileSystemObject to check to make sure the Source file
exist Set
objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(SourceFile) Then ' If
the source file exists, copy it into the virtual filesystem
' we are assuming the virtual directory
%ProgramFilesDir%\MyApplication already exists in the
package objFSO.CopyFile
SourceFile, DestFile, TRUE
End if