Setting Input Panel Options

Customizing Input Panel so that it matches your needs is essential for long-term enjoyment of your tablet. As with the pen settings, the default settings are geared toward the complete beginner. Once you gain experience using the various Input Panel functions, using more advanced settings will increase the speed and utility of Input Panel. You can open the Input Panel options by tapping the Tools menu in Input Panel and tapping Options.

Improving Writing Speed

If you fill the writing pad with ink faster than the tablet takes it away, you have two options. As shown in Figure 2-27, the writing pad options allow for a two-line writing pad and a shorter delay before the ink is converted to text. The two-line pad allows you to fill one line with ink and then continue on the second. By the time the second line is full, the first line should be empty, and you continue writing up there. This back and forth actually flows quite naturally after a few tries and works quite well. The only disadvantage is you must write a bit smaller and with your letters closer together, or you must resize Input Panel to take up more of the screen. A shorter insertion time has a similar effect except that the ink is disappearing off the beginning of the line as you are writing on the end. The setting can actually get so fast that the ink disappears before you even finish the word! Try various combinations of both settings until you can both write comfortably and see your ink for at least a moment before it disappears, never waiting more than half a second or so for a place to write.

Figure 2-27 A two-line writing pad and a shorter delay before insertion allow you to write continuously on the writing pad without waiting for the screen to clear of ink.
Figure 2-27. A two-line writing pad and a shorter delay before insertion allow you to write continuously on the writing pad without waiting for the screen to clear of ink.

Write Anywhere has a separate setting for automatic insertion time. Since Write Anywhere is already a several-line writing pad, the delay can be much longer. In fact, it is usually helpful to have extra time in Write Anywhere to scratch out mistakes. Still, the delay should be short enough so that you are never waiting for a place to write. The setting for the Write Anywhere insertion time is on the Write Anywhere tab in the Input Panel options.

You can turn off automatic insertion altogether, so you must tap the Send button to clear the ink. This setting only applies to text. Gestures are immediately interpreted and cleared from the writing pad.
Better Tool Access and Configuration

There are several settings that allow you to customize your workspace for maximum utility.

Set the Write Anywhere ink color to something not commonly used by Windows and visible over both light and dark backgrounds. I use a darkish magenta. This lets you see the ink on the writing transparency regardless of what image is beneath it.