To set up logging

Using the Windows interface

  1. Open Services for UNIX Administration.
  2. If necessary, connect to the computer you want to manage.
  3. Click Server for NFS.
  4. Click the Logging tab.
  5. To log events in the Event Viewer application log, select Log events to the event log.
  6. To log events in a file, select Log events in this file and then, in the text box, type the name of the log file, or click Browse to find the file.
  7. In Maximum file size, type the maximum size for the log file.
  8. In Event types, select the events to log from the following options:
    • Mount. Users making mount and unmount requests.
    • Locking. Users locking and unlocking files.
    • Read. Users making requests to read a file.
    • Write. Users making requests to write to a file.
    • Create. Users making requests to create a file.
    • Delete. Users making requests to delete a file.
    • All. All of the above.
  9. To save the settings, click Apply.


Using a command line

Argument Description
remoteMachineName The name of the computer you want to manage.
{eventlog | file | both | none} Specifies whether events will be audited and where the events will be recorded. One of the following arguments is required:
Specifies that audited events will be recorded only in the Event Viewer application log.
Specifies that audited events will be recorded only in the file specified by config fname.
Specifies that audited events will be recorded in the Event Viewer application log as well as the file specified by config fname.
Specifies that events will not be audited.
filename The name of the logging file. This must be a local file name. If the file does not exist, it is created.
x The maximum size of the file in megabytes. The default size is 7 MB.
event An event to be logged. Type a plus sign (+) to start logging the event; type a minus sign () to stop logging it.
Mount and unmount requests.
All requests to read a file.
All requests to write to a file.
All requests to create a file.
All requests to delete a file.
All requests to lock or unlock a file.
All of the above.


Related Topics


To connect to the computer you want to manage

