whoami - display effective user id
whoami [-s]
The whoami(1) utility displays your effective user identifier (UID). If your effective UID belongs to the system's principal domain, it will be displayed alone. For example:
$ whoami
where jcat is the login name.
If your effective UID does not belong to the system's principal domain, it will be displayed as a Windows domain name and a login name, separated by a + sign. For example:
$ whoami
where dev is the domain and jcat is the login name.
The output of the whoami command is equivalent to the value of the shell variable LOGNAME.
The option available for whoami(1) is:
The whoami(1) utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
The whoami(1) utility has been made obsolete by the id(1) utility. It is provided here as a shell script, equivalent to:
id -un