

syslogd - log systems messages


syslogd [-ds] [-f config_file] [-m mark_interval]


The syslogd(1) utility reads and logs messages to the system console, log files, other computers, and users as specified by its configuration file.

The options are as follows:

Run in debug mode.
Specify the path name of an alternate configuration file; the default is /etc/syslog.conf.
Select the number of minutes between "mark" messages; the default is 20 minutes.
Run as a service (do not fork upon startup). This option is required to run syslogd(1) as a Windows service.

The syslogd(1) utility reads its configuration file when it starts up and when it receives a hangup signal. For information on the format of the configuration file, see syslog.conf(5).

The syslogd(1) utility creates the file /var/run/, and stores its process identifier (ID) there. This can be used to kill or reconfigure syslogd(1).

The message sent to syslogd(1) should consist of a single line. The message can contain a priority code, which should be a preceding decimal number in angle brackets; for example, <5>. This priority code should map into the priorities defined in the include file <sys/syslog.h>.


The configuration file.
The process ID of current syslogd(1).
The log files. These are typically the files console, daemon, ftp, lpr, mail, messages, news, secure, and uucp. The syslogd(1) utility will not create these files, however; it will only append to them. When setting up syslogd(1), you should create empty files by these names (usually with touch(1)):
cd /var/adm/log
touch console daemon ftp lpr mail messages news secure uucp



