

kill - terminate or signal a process


kill -s signal_name pid...
kill -signal_name pid...
kill -signal_number pid...
kill -l | -m] 


This command is a built-in command in the C shell and the Korn shell as well as an external command (/bin/kill).

The kill(1) utility sends the TERM signal to the processes specified by the pid operand(s).

Only a process with appropriate privileges can send signals to other users' processes.

The options are as follows:

List symbolic signal names. In the Korn shell, kill -l lists mapping between signal numbers and signal names, while kill -l signal_number lists the signal name corresponding to signal_number.
In /bin/kill, lists mapping between signal numbers and signal names.
-s signal_name
A symbolic signal name specifying the signal to be sent instead of the default TERM. The -l option displays the signal names.

Equivalent to -s signal_name.

A non-negative decimal integer, specifying the signal to be sent instead of the default TERM.

Some of the more commonly used signals are as follows:

1 SIGHUP (hangup)
2 SIGINT (interrupt)
3 SIGQUIT (quit)
6 SIGABRT (abort)
9 SIGKILL (non-catchable, non-ignorable kill)
14 SIGALRM (alarm clock)
15 SIGTERM (software termination signal)


The kill(1) utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

