

ipcs - report status of interprocess communication (IPC) objects


ipcs [-mqs] [-abcopt]


The ipcs(1) utility presents status information about active interprocess communication (IPC) objects, specifically message queues, shared memory segments, and semaphores.

Without any options, ipcs(1) presents terse information about all active IPC objects on the system (of these types; other Windows IPC mechanisms are not summarized). To present information about only memory segments, message queues, or only semaphore sets, use the options -m, -q, or -s, respectively. Other options specify the information displayed.


Use all other information options (identical to -bcopt).
Display information about maximum allowable size.
Display creator's user name and group name.
Display information about shared memory segments only. Can be combined with -q or -s.
Display information on outstanding usage.
Display process number information.
Display information about message queues only. (Can be combined with -m or -s).
Display information about semaphore sets only. (Can be combined with -m or -q).
Display time information. This is the time of the last control operation that changed access permissions, and:

For each IPC object, a permissions or mode string is displayed, similar to the output of ls -l, and consisting of eleven characters. The first character indicates the current state of the object; the second and third letters indicate information specific to the IPC object. The last nine letters indicate the permissions on the object, where r is read permission, w is write permission, and a is permission to alter the object.

The first letter is one of the following:

The object exists in its normal state.
The object is being created.
The object is being deleted.
The object is zombied. Although all objects go through this state, it is normally only seen with shared memory segments; other objects are reaped immediately. A shared memory segment is a zombie if it has been marked for deletion but still has outstanding references. These references prevent the segment from being reaped; it cannot be removed until all mappings have been unmapped. Since it has been marked for deletion, no new connections are possible. It is possible for a call to shmget() to create a new memory segment using the same key that created the zombied segment.

The meanings of the second and third characters depend upon the IPC object:

Message queues
The second character is R if any process is blocked waiting to receive a message, or - otherwise.

The third character is S if any process is blocked waiting to send a message, or - otherwise.

Semaphore sets
The second letter is N if the process is blocked waiting for a semaphore value in the set to rise to a threshold (that is, waiting for the other process to release resources), or - otherwise.

The third character is Z if the process is blocked waiting for a semaphore value in the set to drop to zero, or - otherwise.

Shared memory segments
The second letter is R if any process is attached to the segment read-only, and - otherwise.

The third letter is W if any process is attached to the segment read-write, and - otherwise.


The ipcs(1) utility exits with status 0 for success, and >0 if an error occurred.








