

inetd - internet super-server


inetd [-ds] [-L seconds] [-R rate] [configuration_file]


The inetd(1) program listens for connections on certain internet sockets. When a connection is found on one of its sockets, it decides what service the socket corresponds to and invokes a program to service the request. The server program is invoked with the service socket as its standard input, output, and error descriptors. After the program is finished, inetd(1) continues to listen on the socket (except in some cases that will be described later in this topic). The inetd(1) program allows running one daemon to invoke several others, reducing load on the system.

The inetd(1) daemon is run by init(1) shortly after the Interix subsystem starts.

The options available for inetd(1) are:

Turn on debugging.
-L seconds
Set time lock-out period to seconds. This is a security feature to mitigate denial-of-service attacks. When the invocation rate of a service is exceeded (see -R), the service becomes unavailable for this many seconds. The default setting is 180 (three minutes); the minimum value for seconds is 30.
-R rate
Specify the maximum number of times a service can be invoked in one minute; the default is 1000.
Run as a service (do not fork upon startup). This option is required to run inetd(1) as a Windows service.

Upon execution, inetd(1) reads its configuration information from a configuration file; if the configuration_file argument is omitted, information is taken from /etc/inetd.conf. There must be an entry for each field of the configuration file, with entries for each field separated by a tab or a space. Comments are denoted by a number sign (#) at the beginning of a line. There must be an entry for each field. The fields of the configuration file are as follows:

[camp-]name sock_type protocol wait user serv_prog serv_prog_args

The camp- disables the service identified by name, but blocks access to the default port used by the service. Use this to prevent a trojan horse program from using the port.

There are two types of services that inetd(1) can start: standard and TCPMUX. A standard service has a well known port assigned to it. It can be either a service that implements an official Internet standard or a Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)-specific service. As described in RFC 1078, TCPMUX services are nonstandard services that do not have a well known port assigned to them. They are invoked from inetd(1) when a program connects to the tcpmux well known port and specifies the service name. This feature is useful for adding locally developed servers.

The service-name entry is the name of a valid service in the file %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/services, where %WINDIR% is the Windows installation directory. For internal services (discussed later in this topic), the service name must be the official name of the service (that is, the first field in the entry in %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/services). For TCPMUX services, the value of the service-name field consists of the string tcpmux followed by a slash and the locally chosen service name. The service names listed in %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/services and the name help are reserved. Try to choose unique names for your TCPMUX services by prefixing them with your organization's name and suffixing them with a version number.
The socket-type should be stream, dgram, raw, rdm, or seqpacket, depending on whether the socket is a stream, datagram, raw, reliably delivered message, or sequenced packet socket. TCPMUX services must use stream.
The protocol must be a valid protocol as given in %WINDIR%/system32/drivers/etc/protocols, for example, TCP or UDP (transmission control protocol and user datagram protocol, respectively). TCPMUX services must use TCP.
The wait/nowait entry specifies whether the server that is invoked by inetd(1) will take over the socket associated with the service access point, and thus whether inetd(1) should wait for the server to exit before listening for new service requests. Datagram servers must use wait, as they are always invoked with the original datagram socket bound to the specified service address. These servers must read at least one datagram from the socket before exiting. If a datagram server connects to its peer, freeing the socket so inetd(1) can received further messages on the socket, it is said to be a multi-threaded server; it should read one datagram from the socket and create a new socket connected to the peer. It should fork, and the parent should then exit to allow inetd(1) to check for new service requests to spawn new servers. Datagram servers that process all incoming datagrams on a socket and eventually time out are said to be single-threaded. Both biff(1) and ntalkd(1) are examples of the latter type of datagram server; tftpd(1) is an example of a multi-threaded datagram server.

Servers using stream sockets generally are multi-threaded and use the nowait entry. Connection requests for these services are accepted by inetd(1), and the server is given only the newly accepted socket connected to a client of the service. Most stream-based services operate in this manner. Stream-based servers that use wait are started with the listening service socket, and must accept at least one connection request before exiting. Such a server would normally accept and process incoming connection requests until a time-out. TCPMUX services must use nowait.

Historically, the user entry should contain the user name of the user under whose account the server should run. This allows for servers to be given less permission than root. On Interix, this field is always set to the string NULL and is ignored. The inetd(1) should always run as a low-privilege user (for example, a global user named inetd with only Local Logon Privilege).
The server-program entry should contain the path name of the program that is to be executed by inetd(1) when a request is found on its socket. This path name is relative to the installation directory for Interix ($INTERIX_ROOT). Do not give the path represented by $INTERIX_ROOT. For example, if the program is /bin/ftpd, the path name should read /bin/ftpd. If inetd(1) provides this service internally, this entry should be internal.
The server program arguments should be just as arguments normally are, starting with argv[0], which is the name of the program. If the service is provided internally, the word "internal" should take the place of this entry.

The inetd(1) program provides several trivial services internally by use of routines within itself. These services are echo, discard, chargen (character generator), daytime (human readable time), and time (machine readable time, in the form of the number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1900). All of these services are TCP based. For details of these services, consult the appropriate RFC from the Network Information Center.

The inetd(1) program rereads its configuration file when it receives a hangup signal, SIGHUP. Services can be added, deleted, or modified when the configuration file is reread.


RFC 1078 describes the TCPMUX protocol:

"A TCP client connects to a foreign host on TCP port 1. It sends the service name, followed by a carriage-return line-feed <CRLF>. The service name is never case sensitive. The server replies with a single character indicating positive (+) or negative (-) acknowledgment, immediately followed by an optional message of explanation, terminated with a <CRLF>. If the reply was positive, the selected protocol begins; otherwise, the connection is closed."

The TCP connection is passed to the program as file descriptors 0 and 1.

If the TCPMUX service name begins with a plus sign (+), inetd(1) returns the positive reply for the program. This allows you to invoke programs that use stdin/stdout without putting any special server code into them.

The special service name help causes inetd(1) to list TCPMUX services in inetd.conf.


Here are several example service entries for the various types of services:

ftp		 stream  tcp   nowait root  /usr/libexec/ftpd	 ftpd -l
ntalk		 dgram   udp   wait   root  /usr/libexec/ntalkd	 ntalkd
tcpmux/+date  stream  tcp   nowait guest /bin/date			 date
tcpmux/phonebook stream tcp nowait guest /usr/local/bin/phonebook phonebook


The inetd(1) server logs error messages using syslog(3); you might want to start syslogd(1). Important error messages and their explanations are:

service/protocol server failing (looping), service terminated.
The number of requests for the specified service in the past minute exceeded the limit. The limit exists to prevent a broken program or a malicious user from swamping the system. This message can occur for several reasons:
service/protocol No such user 'user'; service ignored
service/protocol: getpwnam: user: No such user
No entry for user exists in the password database. The first message occurs when inetd(1) reads or rereads the configuration file. The second message occurs when the service is invoked.
service: can't set uid number
service: can't set gid number
The user or group identifier (ID) for the entry's user is invalid.


The telnetd(1) daemon must be started with the -i option to run from inetd(1).

By default, the Interix telnetd and ftpd daemons are disabled because equivalent services are available as Windows services. Before running the Interix daemons, you must stop the equivalent Windows services.














