

history - print, save, or clear the command history list


history [-hr] [n]
history -S|-L|-M [filename]
history -c 


This command is a C-shell built-in command.

The first form prints the history event list.If n is given, only the n most recent events are printed or saved. With -h, the history list is printed without leading numbers and timestamps in comment form. (This can be used to produce files suitable for loading with 'history -L' or 'source -h'.) With -r, the order of printing is most recent first rather than oldest first.

With -S, the second form saves the history list to filename. If the first word of the savehist shell variable is set to a number, that is the maximum number of lines saved. If the second word of savehist is set to 'merge', the history list is merged with the existing history file instead of replacing it (if there is one) and sorted by timestamp. Merging is intended for an environment like the X Window System with several shells in simultaneous use. Currently, it only succeeds when the shells quit one after another.

With -L, the shell appends filename, which is presumably a history list saved by the -S option or the savehist mechanism, to the history list. -M is like -L, but the contents of filename are merged into the history list and sorted by timestamp. In either case, histfile is used if filename is not given and ~/.history is used if histfile is unset. 'history -L' is exactly like 'source -h' except that it does not require a file name.

Note that login shells do the equivalent of 'history -L' on startup and, if savehist is set, 'history -S' before exiting. Because only ~/.tcshrc is normally sourced before ~/.history, histfile should be set in ~/.tcshrc rather than ~/.login.

If histlit is set, the first and second forms print and save the literal (unexpanded) form of the history list.

The last form clears the history list.