sdiff - Windows command-line utility to print differences
between two files and merge them interactively
sdiff [-lrs] [-w n] [-o outfile]file1 file2
The sdiff(1w) utility produces a side-by-side listing of
two files, indicating those lines that are different. Each line of
the two files is printed with a blank gutter between them if the
lines are identical. It displays a "less than" sign (<)
in the gutter if the line exists only in file1. It displays
a "greater than" sign (>) in the gutter if the line
exists only in file2. It displays a vertical rule (|)
if the line exists in both files, but is not identical.
If the -ooutfile option is
specified, it merges two files and interactively puts the results
in outfile. If file1 is a directory and file2
is not a directory, sdiff compares the file in file1
whose name matches with file2, and vice versa.
The sdiff utility supports the following options:
Prints only the left side of any lines that are identical.
Applies sdiff recursively. It is usually applied to two
Does not print identical lines.
Uses n as the length of the output line. The default
value is 130 characters.
Uses the next argument, outfile, as the name of the
third file that is created as a user-controlled merging of
file1 and file2. It prints a set of differences as
produced by diff, where the set shares a common gutter
character. After printing each set of differences, a semicolon
(;) user prompt is displayed on the screen. You can then
enter the following commands:
Only the left column is appended to the output file.
Only the right column is appended to the output file.
Does not print identical lines (silent mode).
Turns off silent mode.
e l
Invokes Notepad and displays the left column.
e r
Invokes Notepad and displays the right column.
e b
Invokes Notepad and concatenates the left and right
Invokes Notepad with an empty file.
Exits the program.
The sdiff utility supports the following arguments:
It can be a regular file or a directory. If a minus sign
(-) is specified, it is interpreted as the standard
It can be a regular file or a directory. If a minus sign
(-) is specified, it is interpreted as the standard
Possible exit-status values are:
Successful completion
In the case of the -o option, the output file that is
generated is a Unicode file. Hence, it is not possible to open the
file using It can be opened using Notepad or any other
Windows Unicode text editor.
Both the operands file1 and file2 cannot be a
minus sign (-) at the same time.
The -o option cannot be applied when both the operands
are directories.