

paste - Windows command-line utility to concatenate the corresponding lines of files


paste [-s] [-d list] file...


The paste(1w) utility concatenates the corresponding lines of the given input files and writes the resulting lines into the standard output. By default, paste concatenates the corresponding lines of the input files. The newline character of every line except the line from the last input file is replaced with a tab character. If an end-of-file condition is detected on one or more, but not all input files, and the -b option is not specified, paste behaves as though empty lines were read from the files on which end-of-file was detected.


The paste utility supports the following options:

-d list
Each character in the list is an element specifying a delimiter character, unless the backslash character (\) appears in it. If a backslash appears in the list, it and one or more characters following it serve as an element that specifies a delimiter character, described as follows:
Newline character
Tab character
Backslash character
Empty string (not a null character)

These elements specify one or more delimiters that replace the newline character of the input lines instead of the default tab character. The elements in the list are used circularly.

When the -s option is specified:

When the -s option is not specified:

Concatenates all lines of each separate input file in command-line order. Unless the -d option is specified, the newline character of every line except the last line in each input file is replaced with the tab character.


The paste utility supports the following argument:

Path of the input file. If a hyphen (-) is specified for one or more files, the standard input is used. The standard input is read circularly, one line at a time, for each instance of the hyphen.

The standard input is used only if one or more file operands are a hyphen.

The files specified by the file operand must be text files.


Possible exit-status values are:

Successful completion