

cut - Windows command-line utility to cut out the selected fields of each line of a file


cut -b list [-n] [-] | [file...]
cut -c list [-] | [file...]
cut -f list [-d delim] [-s] [-] | [file...]


The cut(1w) utility cuts out bytes (-b option), characters (-c option), or character-delimited fields (-f option) from each line in one or more files, concatenates them, and writes them to the standard output.

The option-argument list must be a comma-separated list of positive numbers and ranges. Ranges can be expressed in three forms. The first is two positive numbers separated by a hyphen (-) (low-high), which represents all fields from the first number to the second number. The second is a positive number preceded by a hyphen (-high), which represents all fields from field number 1 to that number. The third is a positive number followed by a hyphen (low-), which represents that number to the last field. The elements in the list can be repeated, overlapped, and specified in any order.


The cut utility supports the following options:

Cuts based on a list of bytes. Each selected byte is the output unless the -n option is also specified. It is not an error to select bytes absent in the input line.
Cuts based on a list of characters. Each selected character is the output. It is not an error to select characters absent in the input line.
Sets the field delimiter to the character delim. The default is the TAB character.
Cuts based on a list of fields, assumed to be separated in the file by a delimiter character (see the -d option). Each selected field is the output. Output fields are separated by a single occurrence of the field-delimiter character. Lines with no field delimiter are passed through intact unless the -s option is specified. It is not an error to select fields absent in the input line.
Does not split characters. When the -n option is specified with the -b option, each element in list of the form low-high (hyphen-separated numbers) is modified as follows:
When used with the -f option, -s suppresses lines with no delimiter characters. Unless specified, lines with no delimiters are passed through untouched.


Possible exit-status values are:

Successful completion