The User Interface

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Snow Inventory is famous for its clear and intuitive user interface. We have spent a lot of time design the user interface, making it as simple and powerful as possible.






Each module has its own toolbar. The toolbar contains the most common actions or procedures for the chosen module. You may customize the toolbar by right-clicking with the mouse at the toolbar:


· Large Buttons - Choose if you want large or small tool buttons.
· Show Text - Choose if you want buttons with text a label.
· Show Tool Tips - Choose if want to show tool tips for the buttons. This is recommended if you turn of text labels.



Task Panel


The Task  Panel shows the modules you may access in Snow Inventory. There are four modules:


1. Inventory - Inventory and metering overview, administration, and reporting.
2. Clients - Client configuration and administration.
3. Properties - Repository administration.


Each module contains one or more sections, which has a clickable link that opens the chosen section in the work area.



Work Area


The Work Area occupies the major part of the console user interface. The Work Area is used to show information for each section in a data grid, report control, or HTML page.



Status Bar


The Status Bar shows information for menus, toolbar buttons, and status information for the work area of each module.