Role Properties

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General Properties
The Role Properties dialog contains all settings for a particular role. You have to give the role a unique name (no two roles can have the same name). The description is optional, but it is recommended to add a short comment to the role, making it easier for other administrators to understand what the role is for.




Role information


Name - The role name (must be unique).


Description - An optional comment describing the role.



Role members

Add - Click the Add button the add more members to the role.


Remove - Click the Remove button to remove the selected members from the role.



Security Properties




Role Security


Add the role to one or more of the following modules:


Administration - System administration, like configuring the system, adding users and roles, etc.

Client Management - Client configuration, deployment, and updating.

Inventory Management - Accessing inventory overview and details.

Inventory Reports - Displaying and working with inventory reports.

Inventory Data Entry - Adding custom inventory data to the repository.

Metering Management - Viewing metering information.

Metering Reports - Using and administering metering reports.


Set the permission on each module:


Full Control - full access.

View - view and look at items (read only).

Edit - change data and properties.

Remove - delete data and properties.

Add - add new items.