To ensure that updates are installed on a regular basis, use Windows SteadyState to automatically install updates at a specific time, either daily or weekly. Windows SteadyState can be used to automatically install:
- Critical Windows updates.
- Third-party antivirus software programs listed in Security Program
- Updates provided in custom scripts that you select in Custom
Not all updates can be installed automatically using Windows SteadyState. We recommend that you periodically review the updates available on Microsoft Update and manually download and install the updates you want. For more information, see Manually Install Windows Updates. The updates Windows SteadyState cannot automatically install include:
- Windows Live OneCare signature updates.
- Recommended updates.
- Optional updates.
- Driver updates.
- Special updates that may have their own license
Before setting up automatic updates, run Windows Updates manually to perform the initial registration of Windows Update components on your computer. If you perform this task after you install Windows SteadyState, you must install Windows Update manually. For more information, see Manually Install Windows Updates.
To automatically download and install updates using Windows SteadyState-
Log on as a Windows SteadyState administrator.
In the Windows SteadyState main dialog box, under Global Computer Settings, click Schedule Software Updates.
Under Schedule Updates, select Use Windows SteadyState to automatically download and install updates.
Select the day and time you would like updates to occur.
Any users logged on to the computer when scheduled updates begin will be immediately logged off. While scheduled updates are in progress, only the Administrator or users with administrative privileges can log on. We recommend that you not log on while updates are in progress; however, if you do so, you will not be able to modify any configurations made with Windows SteadyState until the update process is complete.
If any administrator interaction is needed during an automatic update, the update will not complete successfully. For example, some antivirus version upgrades require interaction to accept the terms of a service agreement or a software licensing agreement.
If an update does not install successfully, perform the update manually. For information on manually installing updates, see Manually Download and Install Updates.