NTFS Reports The following table outlines the NTFS reports included in the Report Library. If you are a report user, your administrator may have made some of these reports available in Published Reports. For each report, you must include at least one computer, and one path on that computer. Once you have included a path, you can exclude part of the path. If you include many or all computers or paths, the amount of data in your report can result in a longer report generation time, and lengthy reports. You may find it helpful to create several smaller reports. Wildcard usage: You can use wildcards when specifying computers, paths and owners. Use an asterisk ()* for multiple characters, or a question mark (?) for a single character. report name description Files Duplicate Files Shows duplicate files for the selected computers. You can specify a root folder from which the duplicate file check will begin. Extended File Information Shows the extended file information (including the file owner) for the selected computers and paths. You can filter the results by providing a list of folder owners. Files Created in Last (N) Days Shows all files created in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date created. Files Created in Last (N) Days grouped by Parent Path Shows all files created in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Files Created within Date Range Shows all files created within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by date created. Files Created within Date Range grouped by Parent Path Shows all files last accessed in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date last accessed. Files Larger than a Specific Size Shows all files for the selected computers that are larger than a specific size grouped by parent path. Files Last Accessed in Last (N) Days Shows all files last accessed in the last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date last accessed. Files Last Accessed in Last (N) Days grouped by Parent Path Shows all files last accessed in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Files Last Accessed within Date Range Shows all files last accessed within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by date last accessed. Files Last Accessed within Date Range grouped by Parent Path Shows all files last accessed within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Files Modified in Last (N) Days Shows all files modified in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date modified. Files Modified in Last (N) Days grouped by Parent Path Shows all files modified in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Files Modified within Date Range Shows all files modified within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by date modified. Files Modified within Date Range grouped by Parent Path Shows all files modified within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Files by Owner Shows all files for the selected computers and owners. General File Information Shows general file information for the selected computers and paths — including the file attributes, date and time information, path, and size. General File Information by Folder Depth Shows the general file information filtered by folder depth. The starting folder level and subsequent depth are determined by the collection options and how the paths are stored. Your Administrator may be collecting files and folders through the administrative share or a network share. You can choose the level of folder depth to include. The folder level value will start from zero. Examining the path C:\FolderA\FolderB, C:\ is 0 levels deep. FolderA is 1 level deep. FolderB is 2 levels deep. Folders Extended Folder Information In addition to the general folder information, shows the folder owner for the selected computers and paths. You can filter the results by providing a list of file owners. Folders Created in Last (N) Days Shows all folders created in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date created. Folders Created in Last (N) Days grouped by Parent Path Shows all folders created in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Folders Created within Date Range Shows all folders created within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by date created. Folders Created within Date Range grouped by Parent Path Shows all folders created within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Folders Modified in Last (N) Days Shows all folders modified in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by date modified. Folders Modified in Last (N) Days grouped by Parent Path Shows all folders modified in last (N) days for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Folders Modified within Date Range Shows all folders modified within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by date modified. Folders Modified within Date Range grouped by Parent Path Shows all folders modified within the specified date range for the selected computers grouped by parent path. Folders by Owner Shows all folders for the selected computers and owners. General Folder Information Shows general folder information for the selected computers and paths — including the folder attributes, date and time information, path, and size. General Folder Information by Folder Depth Shows the general folder information filtered by folder depth. The starting folder level and subsequent depth are determined by the collection options and how the paths are stored. Your Administrator may be collecting folders through the administrative share or a network share. You can choose the level of folder depth to include. The folder level value will start from zero. Examining the path C:\FolderA\FolderB, C:\ is 0 levels deep. FolderA is 1 level deep. FolderB is 2 levels deep. General Folder Information groups by Parent Path Shows the general folder information for the selected computers grouped by parent path. General Folder Information grouped by Size Shows the general folder information for the selected computers grouped by size. Permissions File Permissions Shows the list of ACEs in the DACL for all files on the selected computers and paths. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. You can filter the results by supplying a specific list of accounts to look for in the DACLs, and specific organizational units. File Permissions for Account Shows file permissions for the selected account, including permissions derived through group membership. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. File Permissions with Membership Shows the list of ACEs in the DACL for all files on the selected computers and paths, including the first level of group members for any group given permissions. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. Contains a parameter to include nested group members. You can filter on specific groups. File and Folder Permissions with Differences Shows the parent and child permission differences between the selected files and folders. Folder Permissions Shows the list of ACEs in the DACL for all folders on the selected computers and paths. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. You can filter the results by supplying a specific list of accounts to look for in the DACLs, and specific organizational units. Folder Permissions for Account Shows folder permissions for the selected account, including permissions derived through group membership. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. Folder Permissions with Membership Shows the list of ACEs in the DACL for all folders on the selected computers and paths, including the first level of group members for any group given permissions. You can choose to show only permissions inherited from a parent, only explicit permissions or to show both. You can filter the results by supplying a specific list of accounts to look for in the DACLs. You can choose whether or not you want to include the members of the Domain Users group. Since this can be a very large group, you may wish to exclude it. If you have included the Domain Users group, this report can take longer to generate. Contains a parameter to include nested group members. You can filter on specific groups. Groups with No Permissions on Any Computer Shows groups that do not have permissions, or permissions derived through group membership, for any of the files or folders on any of the selected computers. If the selected computers are in more than one domain, all groups from those domains will be verified. If a group has permissions on any of the selected computers, that group will be excluded from the report. When there are 2 (or more) computers from the same domain (for example, Computer A and Computer B), all groups in their domain are analyzed and the results will be as follows: If a group has permission on Computer A but not on Computer B, it will not be in the report. If a group does not have permission on either Computer B or on Computer A, it will not be in the report. If a group does not have permission on either Computer A or on Computer B, it will be in the report. Groups with No Permissions on Files or Folders Shows groups that do not have permissions, or permissions derived through group membership , for any of the files or folders on the selected computers. If the selected computers are in more than one domain, all groups from the domains will be verified. If a group does not have any permissions on more than one of the selected computers, that group will be shown under each of those computers. User Permissions on Folders Sows the user permissions on the selected folders including permissions derived through group membership. Other File and Folder Summary Shows the total number of files and folders collected per computer. NTFS Object Attributes Shows the general file and folder information for the selected computers and paths. This report combines the General File Information and General Folder Information reports for your convenience.