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Introducing Quest Reporter : Appendix A: Configuring Quest Reporter : Customizing Quest Reporter Settings : Setting Ping Times

Setting Ping Times
During computer data collection, Reporter pings (TCP/IP) each computer before attempting to connect to it for data collection. Some networks are slower than others, so the acceptable ping return times will vary. To increase the speed of data collection, Reporter does not attempt to collect information from computers that fail to respond within the configured number of ping attempts.
Setting a ping time allows Reporter to take into account possible network latency or computers being inaccessible.
Consider the following when setting ping times:
Ping automatically times out if the computer does not respond within 30 seconds (30,000 milliseconds). Setting this value higher than 30,000 has no effect.
When the ping time is set to 0, Reporter tries to connect to computers that are not available. This can increase the collection time.
To set the ping time
Select Start | All Programs | Quest Software | Quest Management Suite | Reporter | Configure.
Click the Reporter Collections tab.
This number depends on your network and how many computers you want to risk skipping.
Click OK.