Using 'Connect through' option

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The 'connect through' option lets you connect to a remote computer through an intermediate computer if there is no direct TCP/IP connection with the remote computer, and the intermediate computer does have a direct TCP/IP connection to both remote and local computers. Radmin Server should be running on the intermediate computer for this to work.

To use "connect through":
  1. Radmin Server should be running on the intermediate computer.
  2. Start Radmin Viewer on your local computer.
  3. Use the 'Add Record' command.
  4. Enter the IP address or DNS name of remote computer you want to connect to. It can be virtual a IP address or a local DNS name as long as intermediate computer can correctly resolve the identity of the required computer from it.
  5. Check the 'connect through host' checkbox.
  6. Select the intermediate computer you want to use from the list below.

    tip This list is populated from phonebook records.

  7. Click the Ok button to add a new record to your phonebook.
  8. Double click on this new record to make the connection. If the intermediate server requires authorization, you may be asked for an additional login ID and password.
