This wizard enables you to configure Web service actions, which allows Process Manager to use Web services to exchange data with client applications. The format of the data is XML, which can easily be exchanged between applications. Each Web service has a Web service description language (WSDL) file, which Process Manager uses to communicate with the Web service and obtain all of the details.
The wizard will prompt you to provide the necessary information:
You need to provide the URL that the action uses to call the Web service. This enables Process Manager to interface with the Web service and acquire all the details needed to configure the Web service action. The URL should reference the Web service's WSDL file. The following is an example: http://<server>/WebService/Service.asmx?WSDL.
Once you have specified the Web service URL, click Next.
Each Web service has a variety of methods. The Web service action can use only one of these methods. You need to select which method to call.
Once you have specified the method to call, click Next.
(If applicable.) For methods that have input parameters, you can assign fields or values to the parameters, which are passed to a client application.
Once you have assigned values to the input parameters, click Next.
(If applicable.) For methods that have output parameters, you can assign values to the parameters, which are passed to Process Manager from a client application.
Once you have assigned values to the output parameters, click Next.
Before you complete the configuration of a Web service action, review your settings to verify they are correct.
Once you have finished reviewing your settings, click Finish.