Command Syntax



Command format in the Windows PowerShell



A PowerShell command is a set of one or more Cmdlets, functions, programs, or script files (including any parameters) that are connected by pipe (|) symbols. Each command must conform to a specific format, which is shown in the following syntax:


<command_phrase> [ | <command_phrase> ]...


As the syntax indicates, a command can include multiple command phrases, which are separated by pipe symbols. The pipe symbol indicates that the output of the first command phrase should be passed on, or piped, to the next command phrase, rather than be displayed on the screen. A command phrase consists of the following elements:


<command_name> [ <parameter> ]...


A command name can be any built-in or external command supported by PowerShell, including Cmdlets (or their aliases), functions, programs, or script files. Each command name can be associated with one or more parameters.


A parameter is made up of one or two elements: the parameter name, which is preceded by a hyphen (-), and a value (argument) that must conform to the command specifications. If a parameter is configured as a positional parameter, the name and hyphen can be omitted if the argument is provided in the same position as it is defined in the command specifications. For example, to list all the items in drive C: you can use the following syntax:


Get-ChildItem -path c:\


However, because -path is a positional parameter in the Get-ChildItem Cmdlet, you do not have to provide the parameter name, as shown in the following statement:


Get-ChildItem c:\


As you can see, positional parameters allow you to specify the argument with or without the parameter name. However, if you do use parameter names, you can specify the parameters in any order. This is also true of named parameters (parameters that always require a parameter name). You simply precede each argument with the parameter name (and hyphen), without regard to the parameter's defined position.



For information about parameters, enter the following command at the PowerShell command prompt:


help about_parameter


For information about pipelines, enter the following command:


help about_pipeline


For information about aliases, enter the following command:


help about_alias