
The Unload tool (Unload.exe) runs on the Pocket PC. This tool lets you remove a specified program.

This command has the following format:

Unload Unloadfile  

Where the following argument is defined:

  • Unloadfile specifies the unload file that is automatically generated during the installation of the application. This file contains all of the information that is necessary to remove the application.

The Unloadfile filename has the format <Software Provider Name> <Application Name>, where Software Provider Name is generated from the Provider field of the Version section of the .inf file, and Application Name is generated from the AppName field of the CEStrings section of the .inf file.

Note: By default, an unload file is generated when you install an application with Wceload. If you specify the /nouninstall argument in the Wceload command, this file will not be generated.

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